+92 Hopefully millennials don't bully the next generation like the boomers did. High school mentality. amirite?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

As a gen xer I haven't noticed boomers bullying me. Hopefully millenials learn that not everyone older than them are simply "boomers"

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Too bad zoomers already get bullied because of tiktok

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Millenials bully themselves. Gen z doesn't care Alphas get bullied for tiktok (deserved)

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Actually I don't give a crap because I know that as people grow older they realize how stupid much of their life has been a joke.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Generation X: "Baby I'm not even here, I am hallucination." Ok but why does everyone forget my parents generation? They're not boomers or millenials

by Anonymous 3 years ago