+70 9/10 times, men who refer to human women as "females" are flying their red flags right out if their mouths. amirite?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

People who say this isn't true it is. A woman is a woman. You call them that. You don't call a human female in a relaxed setting that's what you call a dog or a cat.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Weird. I call my dogs "dogs" and my cats "cats".

by Anonymous 3 years ago

What do they call "nonhuman women" then?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

It depends on what the thing is. There are nouns for the female version of every animal. A female deer is a doe. A female horse is a mare. A female chicken is a hen. A female pig is a sow. A female goose is just a goose (males are called ganders). Female is actually an adjective, not a noun. You might accurately say ‘a female (adjective) person (noun)', but the noun for female person is woman and it's shorter so... why would you?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

I'm well aware of how genders work across species. But your title is written as though "woman" bridges the gap as well.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

What gap?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

You referred to them as "human" women, yet we don't call the females of any other species by that term.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Am I missing something?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

You should really find something worthwhile to take offense to. Human women are females. Human men are males. Please pull your head from your ass. Thnx.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Bruh I'm a woman and I don't care about the term "females". It's a little weird but it doesn't mean someone is sexist or a bad person.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

What about women that do this?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Red flag!

by Anonymous 3 years ago

W*man moment.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

U tried

by Anonymous 3 years ago

It's just a word...

by Anonymous 3 years ago

So is the n word. That's a lazy argument

by Anonymous 3 years ago

It's just a word

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Nine times out of ten if a woman is offended being called a female, I walk away.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Buh bye! Xx

by Anonymous 3 years ago