+68 Weak willed scientists ignore instinct and experience to instead act solely on the evidence because later when the evidence is inevitably incomplete and misleading they're just another victim of the "scientific process" like the patient they killed with mistreatment earlier that day. amirite?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Im assuming u experienced a loss recently and are upset by how it happened. But this really isnt the place to vent ur frustration. Talk to someone. Best wishes.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Everything cool, bro??

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Real scientist actually act solely on evidence

by Anonymous 3 years ago

The scientific process does....but a scientist is a corrupt , money driven , human.

by Anonymous 3 years ago


by Anonymous 3 years ago

I am looking for s??ex, but do you want? ?? Co??me in here ==>>cutt.ly/4mdrAPT

by Anonymous 3 years ago