+122 If you see a spider in your house, you have a bug problem not a spider problem. amirite?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

If you see *a* spider, you're fine. If you see over 20 spiders, you have a bug problem. If you see over 10,000 spiders you may as well just burn the whole place down and start again.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Don't even get me started. my EX, and I stress EX-gf, didn't like spiders at all, even though I told her: A) they are pretty cool, B) they never contaminate any food, they just chill in corners, C) They eat mosqitoes and flies. I've even seen one eat a centipede, which is a horrible bug. I'm always defending spiders. I have a tat of one on my right fore-arm.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

my brother is like you keep defending the spiders, now that hes moved out im killing all the spiders

by Anonymous 3 years ago

When a clutch of baby spiders hatched in my bathroom, that was really more of a spider problem.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

I am looking for a man for fun

by Anonymous 3 years ago