+118 If a company's phone support constantly says all agents are busy with other customers, the product is probably not very good. amirite?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Or they don't have enough customer care executives, which would suggest they either have a lot of confidence in their product, or don't care enough about their customer's grievances.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

They would rather spend their money on legalized bribery in DC to make sure they can still make money with shoddy service.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

You guys wait in line at the grocery store, drive thru, doctors office, etc. but can't grasp the concept of waiting in line on the phone.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Because waiting in line on the phone is dumb. They should have a system in place to call you back, but they don't because they don't actually want to help you because if there's a problem it costs them money to fix it. It's cheaper for them to hire too few customer service representatives and make them stick to a script than to actually have a customer service department that helps customers.

by Anonymous 3 years ago