+100 From 1~100, 10% numbers are perfect squares, from 1~10000, 1% numbers are perfect squares As higher you go, the percentage of perfect squares lowers. But when you go to 1~ infinity, there are infinite amount of perfect squares. There are infinite amount of numbers and perfect squares. amirite?

by Anonymous 2 years ago

So, you watch veritasium on YouTube.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Well yes I do

by Anonymous 2 years ago

There are as many even numbers from 1-infinity as there are all whole numbers from 1-infinity.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

every number is infinity when you go to infinity this is a dumb relation

by Anonymous 2 years ago

L'Hospital can show you which infinity develops faster.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Infinity is witchcraft

by Anonymous 2 years ago