No one, in any of our holy books, ever ate a sandwich. With the exception of the Book of Mormon. amirite?
by Anonymous3 years ago
Because sandwiches didn't exist until the 1700s
by Anonymous3 years ago
Maybe not under the name 'sandwich', but...
"The ancient Jewish sage Hillel the Elder is said to have wrapped meat from the Paschal lamb and bitter herbs in a soft matzah..."
by Anonymous3 years ago
1 Corinthians 11:34
"If you're so hungry that you can't wait to be served, go home and get a sandwich. But by no means risk turning this Meal into an eating and drinking binge or a family squabble. It is a spiritual meal - a love feast. The other things you asked about, I'll respond to in person when I make my next visit."
Your move
by Anonymous 3 years ago
by Anonymous 3 years ago
by Anonymous 3 years ago