+119 Humans are closer to making humans in a Petri dish, than proving humans evolved from something other than humans. amirite?

by Anonymous 2 years ago

No amount of evidence can prove anything. Counterexamples can disprove things. Only maths do proofs. That said, the evidence supporting the theory of evolution is immense and is a no danger of being disproven.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

This. Science does not set out to prove anything. It sets out to disprove things, or to fail to disprove them. The Darwinian Synthesis (that is, Darwin adjusted for what we now know that he did not) is still our best framework for understanding life on this planet: it's withstood a ton of assaults, and is the best way we can account for the evidence.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Not much one for biology, huh?

by Anonymous 2 years ago

It's the closest to proven anything will ever get, homie.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

I have faith that ST. Darwin's " good feeling about evolution " is right

by Anonymous 2 years ago