+142 People that are afraid of mind control are the easiest to actually mind control, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 years ago

I think it's the exact opposite of that.. People afraid of mind control are more weary of being mind controlled and hence should be more difficult to mind control..

by Anonymous 2 years ago

To argue this I would point to anti vaxers and flat earthers They are so determined not to get "brainwashed" that they end up getting actually brainwashed in the complete opposite direction

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Those are, though, demonstrably wrong, especially the flat earthers.. the mind control thing has yet to be disputed. This would be external force on the mind instead of a worked up frency. Nevertheless a good point.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Not really. All you have to do is enforce what they believe in and falsely confirm their suspicions, and they'll listen to anything you tell them as long as you do it a convincing manner.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Hmm.. you make good points there good sir..

by Anonymous 2 years ago

But they are easily convinced of conspiracy theories, and have a strong conformation bias. If you have them no evidence and made up a story that gave any kind of credence to theirs... They will eat it right up. You show them proof that they are wrong, and they will never believe you.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Don't show them the facts, they've already made up their minds.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

That's been my experience when mind controlling ~~sheep~~ people too

by Anonymous 2 years ago


by Anonymous 2 years ago