+97 Storm from X men would save more lives if she just stuck to improving agriculture. amirite?

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Magneto could be world's best architect and construction company in one. Heck he can transport massive objects to space. He could make bank just opening a "yea I can do that" company. Could buy enough politicians to achieve whatever his aims are and people would likely adore him like Elon Musk gets. I think I might've outgrown X-Men/superhero comics when I started wondering why they didn't leverage their talents for anything besides fighting. Batman's a great example. Could eliminate poverty and crime by being a rich influencer, instead likes to wear stretchy outfits and kerfuffle with homicidal maniacs he refuses to exterminate for the greater good...and cause then he'd have noone to power trip over but Alfred.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Hank Pym is a good example of this. Use your size altering science to solve world hunger man.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Viagra is $1.6billion in 2016 sales alone... Or shrink every animal stuck in a zoo so it gets a decent relative territory to live in instead of a tiny caged in enclosure. Eliminate excess predation on fisheries by megasizing half a dozen tuna a year. So so so much good could come from their powers and they prefer to find nothing but combat. Or Dazzler became a pop star I guess. Which is nice.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Shrink cancer cells etc.. you could ship so much stuff with Pym particles. He would put DHL FedEx and every other company like that out of business. Also Superman should toss that Texas sized patch of plastic in the ocean right into the sun.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Many tried. Eliminating jobs and undercutting the market is what led to much of the anti mutant movements. Much easier to blame the underpaid worker than the oligarchs who profited from it.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Well she had powers not brains I guess

by Anonymous 2 years ago

The show Invincible had a character who pretty much decided to do that.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

basically these super heros suck at using their powers to save people

by Anonymous 2 years ago