+116 A sixth sense presented in any media is simply an enhancement of an already existing sense. amirite?

by Anonymous 2 years ago

In reality we have marginally more senses than just 5. In fact we have easily over 3 times as much. For example, we have a sense for heat and cold - which is different from touch. We have a sense of gravity - where is up and down. We have a sense of body - we know where any part of our body is at any given time, without seeing it it or hearing etc. that's why you can touch your nose while your eyes are closed. There is a bunch more cool senses look it up it's fun, and true.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

That's actually really cool and interesting i will take a look now, i just find the name of the film "the sixth sense" silly when its simply an enhancement of sense of sight

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Aren't proprioception and heat/cold just functions of touch, though?

by Anonymous 2 years ago

If you wanna break it down, everything is just signals to your brain. Heat and cold is to touch. What smell is to taste. Either one alone works but together they are more intense. Proprioception has nothing to do with touch at all though, because it is not triggered by outside influences, it is an sense that helps you to know where your body parts are in relation to yourself/space.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

telepathy isnt a sence but if it was it wouldnt be an enhancement

by Anonymous 2 years ago

What sense would it be enhancing though, i dont think i have ever heard it be considered a sixth sense (i might be wrong if so please correct me) but touch, taste, sound, smell and sight dont fall into any of those categories of senses, but please prove me wrong (not in a malicious way im being genuine)

by Anonymous 2 years ago

im saying telepathy could be a sence but its not so if we had a sixth sence that wasnt a enhanced sence it would be telepathy

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Thats completely valid

by Anonymous 2 years ago