+152 Men who prefer petite women, keep the human race from getting infinitely taller. amirite?

by Anonymous 2 years ago

My first gf who was 6'0 cursed me for liking taller women lmao

by Anonymous 2 years ago

So at a certain point, height is a disadvantage. Certain injuries and disorders are more common in taller people. It's harder to hide. Being bigger and stronger offsets this to a point, but diminishing returns kick in at a certain point. We tall men who like short women are just making sure our kids are healthy.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

There's something to it

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Like how heavier women tend to have healthier children and a relatively easier time carrying and giving birth?

by Anonymous 2 years ago

The same relationship (x + x^2 = y) I described for height probably exists for weight. I'm not an evolutionary biologist, but it makes sense on some level

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Or keep it from going extinct

by Anonymous 2 years ago

We out here breeding for success and efficiency lol

by Anonymous 2 years ago

You're welcome!

by Anonymous 2 years ago