+149 There is only enough lithium on planet earth to provide 1-in-5 people with an electric car. amirite?

by Anonymous 2 years ago

...which is more cars than are currently on the road. So....what's your point?

by Anonymous 2 years ago

But is it more EVs than the amount of combustion engine vehicles ever built? I don't think so.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Maybe we should prioritize solutions that don't involve giving each person a car then. Such as expanding transit and making cities more walkable!

by Anonymous 2 years ago

We could drastically reduce the number of people who needed a car if we didn't let babies drive.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

But letting them drive kills off future car buyers and current car owners

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Interesting... Quick math and that's still roughly ~1.44 billion electric cars.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

can the batteries be recycled?

by Anonymous 2 years ago

How'd you solve it

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Diamond nuke batteries look promising.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Graphene batteries are probably the better long term solution.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Tool aenema and 11th grade.

by Anonymous 2 years ago