+127 If a movie shows any real non-vegan food, then technically animals were harmed to make the scene possible, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 years ago

That maybe why they precise "during production"

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Movies can take a long while to make tho.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Milk is non vegan. If milk is shown in the movie, it doesn't neccessarily mean a cow was harmed. Some cows need to be milked to survive even.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Cows only need to be milked because we have selectively bred them to produce unnaturally huge amounts of milk (it's estimated that 1 in 3 dairy cows is living with mastitis, a painful infection, at any given time) and because we take their babies away from them, so there is definitely still harm involved.

by Anonymous 2 years ago