+126 gay people don't know what it's like to be straight, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 years ago

isNt it basically the same thing tho? constant nagging and no sex???

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Hahahahaha good one

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Sexuality can change over time for some people, so some do know

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Does it change or just become known to them?

by Anonymous 2 years ago

When you say gay ppl to you mean only people who are attracted to the same sex? Like gay men and lesbian women? Or like LGBTQ+ ppl? We know how to fake it, you need to know something to fake it. Do we know what it's like to experience sexual and romantic attraction to the opposite sex, no. Do we want to, also no.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

A lot of gay people start off straight and realize it's not for them, I'd imagine e most gay ppl start off as straight thh

by Anonymous 2 years ago

How can colour blind people say that an apple for example is blue

by Anonymous 2 years ago

That's not how color blindness works

by Anonymous 2 years ago

I'd say they do. Just like people who have a preferred food, they can see other foods they just prefer their food. Gay people know exactly what it's like to be straight. On the other hand straight people don't know what it's like to be gay thanks to the prejudice. Gay people will have lived without that prejudice as a kid though... So yeah...

by Anonymous 2 years ago

So bisexuality doesn't exist?

by Anonymous 2 years ago