+161 You could live an entire life not using some body parts for their purpose, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Well it won't be my liver.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Brains, for example.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

That makes me think about how the vast majority of bees probably don't use their stinger \~ and probably a vast majority of animals don't actually have to deploy their evolutionarily-adapted deterrent ...

by Anonymous 2 years ago

I've heard that the appendix thingy is unnecessary, so maybe that's something I've never used.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Hmm, peeing is the purpose, right??

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Are you saying I'm going to die a virgin?

by Anonymous 2 years ago


by Anonymous 2 years ago

"Use it or lose it"

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Celebrate celibacy I suppose

by Anonymous 2 years ago


by Anonymous 2 years ago