+127 Living and video games are the only things that starts out easy and then gets more difficult as you progress. Probably every other thing starts out difficult, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Yeah, but there's cheat code, loot boxes, head start, a check point (in case you lose progress) that's in gaming terms. You see that irl as being born with good genetics, being born in a rich family, being born in majority race not the minority, being born in a developed country.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Even without all that stuff you mentioned in gaming terms, games are usually still easy at the beginning while for the irl aspect people that don't have all those things you mentioned would most likely still have an easier early life than when they get older

by Anonymous 2 years ago

So you are great at any video game straight away and progressively get worse the longer you play?

by Anonymous 2 years ago