+156 Somewhere there is an industrial nacho cheese production facility with giant vats of liquid cheese to support taco bell and movie theaters. amirite?

by Anonymous 2 years ago

It's actually a nacho cheese mine hidden deep in the Rockies.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Dammit! Why are you telling people where the mine is? There's gonna be so many nacho cheese prospectors here tomorrow!

by Anonymous 2 years ago

That's just not how manufacturing of FMCG works. Giant vats or silos are typically for ingredients, storage of finished goods is nearly always packaged (for domestic or commercial use) ready to ship ETA, no, liquid cheese is not an ingredient

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Can confirm. I'm a contractor who has gone to a chili/nacho cheese production facility. It's soooo cool to see the behind the scenes aspect and watch all the nacho cheese get plopped into a bag and machine sealed, then flopped onto a conveyer and into a box for shipping.

by Anonymous 2 years ago