Someone has probably done a study on a the ineffectiveness of studies. amirite?
by Anonymous2 years ago
Actually, I have. However I disregarded the outcomes of it because I had concluded that they weren't very effective. So for all we know, they're effective. But then that means that the study was right, so the study wasn't . . . Eh. Whatever. I like boobs.
by Anonymous2 years ago
I have to agree completely, I also happen to agree with the effectiveness of your study
by Anonymous2 years ago
No, not **A** study… There are multiple fields of study dedicated to effective research techniques. Statistics, epistemology, doxology, psychology, and more. Learning how to do effective research takes as much learning as the field of research (e.g., chemistry, medicine, astronomy, etc.) itself.
by Anonymous2 years ago
And, at the end of the day, I still study. That proves the study was true, therefore making it ineffective, which is why I still study
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago