+151 The more languages you speak, the more accents you have, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I speak English with a Midwest American accent, Spanish with a Guatemalan accent (primary teacher was from there), and French with a French-Canadian accent (same on teacher). I have accents, but they're all different.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Actually, due to the way I learnt them, I've had different accents in different languages. I used to speak French with a Luxembourgish accent rather than an English one, because I was taught it by Luxembourgers, though gradually I lost it and started speaking with an English accent. And I spoke German with an English accent from the start, but I read Latin in a German accent while my brothers do it with an Irish accent, again because of out teachers. Living in a multinational community is fun.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Apparently, if you know three language, you'll take the accent of the 2nd language youve learnt

by Anonymous 1 year ago