+121 Kid's Movies Contain the Best Stories, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 years ago

The Lion King is timeless because it's Hamlet... And I know adults enjoy these too, but don't The Avengers and Star Wars also overlap with children as a target audience? Having said that, I quite enjoy a lot of kid's films, but mostly ones from when I was growing up for nostalgia.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Indeed Star Wars and Marvel was originally for kids and their adult audience isn't known to be that mature either.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Counter examples: - The emoji movie - air bud - baby geniuses - happy feet - all of the tinkerbell movies - 3 ninjas - the last air bender - shark tale

by Anonymous 2 years ago

I would add the My brother Bear and Treasure Planet. My god, those are masterpieces "for kids" but at the same time, story is pretty mature if you'll look closer ;p

by Anonymous 2 years ago

I wouldn't exactly call Harry Potter a "kid's movie". At least, past the third movie.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Disney adults are the worst.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

100% agreed. Also, relationships are based on personal compatibility and not on sexual tension.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

That one scene from the Lion King begs to differ… you know the one, or can you not "feel the love tonight?"

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Their personal compatibility was there first. And they were fully prepared to go their separate ways when he initially refused to go back. And when he DID decide to go back it wasn't because of her. The conversation between him and Rafikki was about personal responsibility and doing the right thing. In an adult oriented movie the conversation would have been about "You need to grow up if you want to get the girl" or "you're just afraid of (romantic) commitment and you need to open yourself up to your own feelings"

by Anonymous 2 years ago

Kids movies do contain amazing stories, and something I love about them other than their quality is that they're easy to pay attention to. I struggle to pay attention to complicated stories.

by Anonymous 2 years ago

All you've done is show some kids movies with a good story, not shown how that applies to all kids movies or why those stories are better than in films aimed at adults Trying to rectify mistakes of your past is not unique to Kung Fu Panda Lion King is Hamlet, that's a kid's film using a story from something written for adults. These stories are not only available in kids films

by Anonymous 2 years ago