+116 Most of the time the 'point of no return' in a game detracts from the game, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Point of not return is awesome. When the game tells you "go back and finish anything you haven't done", it makes what's gonna happen feel so much cooler.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Very rarely would I agree with this. If your character isn't dead or the world ain't destroyed, theres no reason to have a point of no return.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Wasn't that the case for Fallout 3 aswell until Broken Steel came out?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I haven't played all the way through 3, but I think NV has it with its ending, Greedfall I think has it, same with The Outer Worlds, The Witcher 3, etc

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It's a stupid design choice, I agree.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

As someone that likes to try and get all the achievements in games. I understand how annoying it can be since you have to be very careful to make sure you don't cross that line to early. But I also think it can add to the story a lot. Its usually used in a way to better show the severity of whats going to happen in the story like sometimes its a point of no return because things in the game wont ever be the same after this turning point

by Anonymous 1 year ago

i don't think a "point of no return" is always bad. it really depends on what it's for, and how significant it is.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Nobody is mentioning the obvious point for it which is that you can do the final mission and final boss over and over again without having to keep a side save gathering dust. You can keep progressing and doing side stuff and getting stronger in the end game and then fight the biggest baddie in the game whenever you want. I don't mind that people have their preferences but calling it "pointless" is petty stupid.

by Anonymous 1 year ago