+106 House flippers destroy wonderful homes. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It seems like you're going based off of TV shows and not reality. In reality, they just fix the house up to standard and sell it. All that extreme makeovers are just for flash and show.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

This isn't true where I live. I used to do plumbing on the side, and sometimes flippers would get me in to do certain things, and ten times out of ten they were doing exactly what OP described. Changing the house completely to look like the exact same house as the last 10 houses they flipped.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I'd hate to have to pay extra for renovations that I didn't even want. I'd have to rip it all out again and do it the way I like it. Even more spending!

by Anonymous 1 year ago