+172 Why is it that christians are more often accused of trying to shove their religion down other's throats, while it's rarely mentioned that evolutionists are trying to shove their beliefs down OUR throats in all of the public schools, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I´ts a scientific fact. It´s considered by the government to be truer than a book written 2000 years ago that has been passed from so many languages that it hardly has the same meaning.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(Cody White..........): Thank you! It is not a belief that is being taught to you. It is a fact. School teaches fact, not superstitions.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

ever heard of a thing called... "bible class"? i had to take it in seventh grade. ironically, it turned my friend into an atheist xD

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There are no "evolutionists" -- evolution is a scientific theory. As in, "the scientific theory of evolution." Darwin, anybody? Religion makes no rational inquiry into the world, while science does.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

totally, absolutally, 100% agree. the only reason they don't like it is becuase it is the only idea that can challenge them. everybody is in everybody else's buissness with "this offends me" but don't think twice about how they offend us.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

NOT EVERYONE IS THE SAME RELIGION!!! You can't say that YOUR God created the world and everything in it without someone of ANOTHER religion being offended. Which is why religion is not taught in school while scientific FACTS are. In fact, in my science class, we have a melting pot of religions who are never offended by what the teacher says. But if the teacher were to say "My God is the only God. Obey him or you go to Hell for eternity." Wouldn't someone be offended?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(PoliticalTeen.): how can you be so sure that evolution is fact? it has been proven many times that there are many important puzzle pieces missing in darwin's theory. if we were all once bits of alge that became fish, onto more advanced species, then how did the eye evolve? how does the brain that functions the way it does come from a drop of water? while i agree with evolution's principals (a species can definatly adapt and form other species) i just don't believe that is how the world expanded and became as diverse as it is today. christians aren't trying to make enemies, they just don't want to be tested and forced to learn something that they don't belive in. we don't hate gays, or non-chritians, or go around telling people that they are going to hell (not ALL of us. there are many different branches of christianity) we just don't agree with certain things, and feel that if we have to accept other people, whey they should accept us. not agree with, accept.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Beliefs =/= Facts

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It isn't offensive to hear someone's opinion about religion, it's offensive when a religious person tries to shove their views down another's throat. You don't see scientists trying to force their opinions by going from door to door trying to convince people that evolution is the truth, or protesting against homosexuality and screaming that "god hates fags". Christianity may be getting picked on by scientists, but that's because of the kind of idiocy a lot of Christians are displaying.... So maybe fix your own problems first before pointing the blame at someone else.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Stop it. Just stop. You're saying this like all Christians are radical and hate gays and people who aren't Christian. For your information, moron, there are Radical Christians, just as there are radical Muslims and Radical "Evolutionists". Not all Christians are like this, and believe it or not, only a small part of them are "radical" and scream "god hates fags" and go door to door shoving their religion down people's throats. Maybe if you weren't so ignorant, you'd see that most of them are following god's ways, trying to be good people by respecting others. I have many friends that are Catholic including me, and we have never excluded someone because of their religion or opinions. So I strongly urge you to get your head out of your ass, open your eyes, and stop being so fucking ignorant. I like atheists, I like gays. I'm not completely against abortion, and I respect other people's religion, and I am proud to say I am Catholic. Does that really make me an idiot?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I realize that there are radicals in all groups. I didn't say anywhere that all Christians are radical and hate gays. I'm saying that you don't see scientists do that kind of thing which is why they don't get accused of it. Don't accuse me of being ignorant when you didn't even understand what I said. Yeesh.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I understood perfectly what you were saying. How do you know that scientists don't do that? Maybe not to you...but yes, I know some Christians are idiots and shove religion down other people's throats but not all. In fact, not even "a lot" like you claim. I'm sorry if I'm coming on a little too strong and bitchy (honest, I don't mean it) but you would not BELIEVE how sick to death I am of people hating Christianity. It seems that nowadays, Atheists bash Christianity for "hating" Atheists more than Christians bashing Atheists for not believing in god.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

God is capitalized. Just sayin'.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(PoliticalTeen.): ooops typo. :]

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're good. I totally agree with you. I'm Catholic too and extremely for gay rights, pro-choice, and evolution. However, people are mean and call me a "contradiction" or a "heathen" or a "traitor to my religion". And a "faglover", which I don't get. I mean I love gay people. But I don't JUST love them, I love everyone. But I also hate people cause we're ignorant. I'm rambling.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(PoliticalTeen.): i know what you mean i posted something about not all Christians being self righteous homophobes and some self righteous homophobe said i "ruined God's word". hahaha ohhh these people

by Anonymous 13 years ago

we do NOT shove our religion down other people's throats. however, 4 of my teaches have not accepted my papers and taunted me in frount of the class because i do not believe in evolution, or the big bang theory, or how to get to heaven. i think that the only reason non-christains dislike hearing our points so much is because they can actually see the truth in them and don't want to hear it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Guhh evolution is not a scientific fact! Don't give us that bullshit. It is practically its own religion! Prove to me where the atom that started the big bang theory came from..

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Can't prove something that makes no sense,hombrè. Maybe you should get a scientific education before calling bullshit.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I can't get a good scientific education cuz my school teaches evolution, silly. & what I was saying before was: evolution is based on a "fact" that a single atom had some crazy reaction and we ended up with the world..wal-ah...where did that atom come from to start the big bang theory? They can't prove it's true...without explaining where it came from (I hope that makes sense)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"I hope that makes sense." Probably the best way to end and argument, champ. I'm converted, I have seen the lord, hale-fricking-lujah. I'm gonna go burn my books now, you religious types like that right? Why bother with a proper diverse education when you types can argue like that?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ohh shoot, had I known I was entering a debate contest I would've ended my argument better. Not really, I said I hope that makes sense because a amirite member didn't understand my wording on my previous comment, does that make sense? :p look I'm not here to force my beliefs on you so lets not get so worked up=)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

youre a fucking idiot

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You ask where the first atom came from, but no one has any idea where God came from. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe God created that first atom and put the big bang into motion?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i believe that that's exactly what happened Genesis 1:3 bitchesss :P

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Evolution =/= Big Bang Theory They are two completely different things.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're right, evolution is not a fact. Evolution is a theory to explain the fact of natural selection. ( Remember, in science, a "theory" has a different meaning than "theory" in parlance. A theory in science is the highest certainty possible given observed behavior. Gravity is a theory.)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You are a fucktard. Evolution and The Big Bang are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. Evolution is a fact hence no THEORY at the end. Big Bang however may or may not be true. But nonetheless, you're afucktard for putting two different things and saying they are one. It's like saying a pot and a pan are the same thing.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

if you actually study the bible with an unbiased mind, it makes perfect sense. have you ever heard of how the sun should be one day older than scientists say it should be, but two bible stories explain that God "...made the sun stand still" to allow more time for the Isrealites to defeat the Philistines? also, if you can make the jump from alge goop to walking fish over "billions of years" then it should be easy to wrap your mind around an all-powerful God who created you. i think that people would want to put their trust in something so strong. evolution has some pretty convincing points, im not saying it doesn't. it sjust that the holes int th etheory are too big for it to be a fact.@156936 (PoliticalTeen.):

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why does everyone think that Christians act according to the westboro baptist church? I'm Catholic and I don't believe that God hates fags...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why do you guys always use the term "hate"? That's too strong. I'm pretty sure God doesn't HATE anybody, but there are certain things that are wrong, and being homosexual is one of them. (You can find it in the Bible.)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Love between any two people is not wrong, I don't care who they are, if they are happy then whatever they wanna do is just fine. And to everyone else, I read the whole stupid bible. I honestly wanted to see what all the fuss and interest was about, I read it and thought it was the biggest load of shit ever. AND! In the bible there are actually more condemnations of straight people than there are of gays. When in an argument children, get your shit straight.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

ummm... God loves everybody. He just hates eveybody's sin. (yes, HATES. it says it in the bible, which just happens to be the best book ever, thank you very much). and everybody sins. everybody. Yes, there are more condemnations of strait people because in bible times, because you were murdered if you were gay because GOD DOESN'T LIKE IT!!! so nobody was gay! and it IS wrong to love another person from the same sex becuase a) God says so and b) it doesn't "work". you can't reproduce. and since that is a major part of getting married, what's the point?!?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

God punishes those who DO HIS JOB more than those who don't "Love the right way". I hope you die. You can't act against a group of people. THAT is ungodly.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

To love is a gift no matter how much of an "Abomination" two-thousand year old sheep herders think it is. I'm not saying that that part wasn't relevant now, but wake up people, there is NOTHING wrong with homosexuality in any form of the word. There is no wrong way to love another person.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

well, i'ma Christian. you're right.. no one has any proof of anything, we all have our rights to belief.. but you guys need to be less close-minded... have you ever given God a chance?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(belief.): Absolutely. We all have rights to our beliefs. Have you given Darwin a chance? You give evolution some serious study and consideration and I'll pick up a bible, how does that sound? I wouldn't consider myself an atheist, perhaps more of an agnostic, but I'll bother the scientists about God and ridiculous religious misconceptions when you get the proper education required to legitimately dismiss the theory of evolution. Gravity is a theory, do you want to dispute that? Claim there is no proof of gravity? Theory is merely a scientific term for an explanation of something, generally a thorough and comprehensive one that is supported by a huge body of evidence. If I'm close-minded I do not even want to imagine what we get to call you

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i used to believe in evolution. i seriously did. but then i read the bible, and found that with a little faith, everything fell into place. God made the universe and everything in it- problems solved!! Also, Darwin didn't even believe in evolution. He simply went to the Galapagos Islands and noticed that some iguanas had adapted to trees and had long nails, and bam. he is forever credited with coming up with the idea that we all came from monkeys. oh, and don't relate gravity to this. gravity was explained mathamatically, aand even though you can't see it, you know something is there holding you to the earth, right? same sith God. you have to have faith that he is there, even though you can't see him, or else you're right. nothing connects.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Christianity is in a book you read. Evolution is in the Earth you walk on. It's not stories, it's not morals, it's fact.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

then prove to me how the eye evolved from a single cell. or the brain. or the respitory system. or any other wonder of the human body. also, don't you think that you are more than a used-to-be worm? don't you want to feel like someone made you and you were made for a purpose? i know i do.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The difference is that evolution is the ONLY belief supported by science. Ever heard of the flying spaghetti monster? It's basically saying that if you teach your beliefs, then you have to teach all of them, including the belief that the universe was created by a spaghetti-deity... Evolution isn't discriminating against Christianity. It's just the only viewpoint with any scientific basis.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm a Christian, baptist to be specific. I don't believe in Evolution because the Bible (which I believe in) says that God created the Earth in parts, it took Him 6 days, and on the 7th he rested. I'm not trying to shove my beliefs on you, I'm just trying to inform you of what I believe, which I suppose is what our teachers are doing. Teachers don't have a choice but teach Evolution. I don't like learning about it, but I have no choice, and I don't believe it. I also don't believe in Greek Mythology, but we learn about that in school. So before you go claiming people are forcing beliefs on you, please think about the fact that maybe they're trying to help you. And yes, there are "radical" Christians, I am not one of them, and I don't hate "fags" but the Bible says that homosexuality is wrong, but Christians are called to love all people, but not their sin. Sorry to kinda preach to you guys, but this was bugging me...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Dude, how can there be bones 3 million years old, if God created everything 6000 years ago in 6 days. The Bible doesn't mention dinosaurs, but are they real?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(PoliticalTeen.): the bible does mention dinosaurs. noah took them on the ark, but by the time that he was around, only the small ones were left, i think they were about chicken-sized. also, 2 Peter 3:8 says "one day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day". God has no time. So when the bible says "he made the earth in 6 days" we don't really know if it is actually 24 hour days or a billion years. i think that maybe God made dinosaurs when he made the rest of the animals, but then decided that they were too dangerous,a nd killed them. so now we have bones to dig up, but mammels and other animals are still here. but that's just me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And I mean, and I swear this will be blasphemous and offensive and I'll probably go to hell for saying it, but the Greek myths are more sensical and more tolerant. The Greeks never had anything saying, "Gods Hate Fags". And to be honest, what you learn in school, you never have to believe. But it is the more LOGICAL thing to actually pay some attention to it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

They call it a THEORY because that is all it really is. A THEORY. As in a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural. I absolutely agree with this amirite. It's really makes no sense why children are only taught one theory(the wrong one at that-but that's a whole other discussion), without being "open-minded" about the others.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Who are you to say it is the wrong one? Are you God? I think not. And They aren't taught "Hey, this is it nothing else" You can go home and say something that contradicts what you learned and believe it. Like you can say 2+2=6 and believe it without learning it, no?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Science and Religion are two terribly different subjects, and cannot be compared in this way. Science teaches us about evolution just like it teaches us about gravity and photosynthesis. These topics were created by research, hypothesizing and testing. Evolution has been PROVEN to happen as a process. The only 'theory' part about it is about exactly how it began and the progression of species we do not have fossil records for. There is nothing faith based about this, and we leave our personal religious beliefs behind when speaking of science. Christianity is a religious path, and it's mythology has no place in our science classes.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

A theory is not the same thing as a law. It's just a widely excepted idea that cannot be proven; it's not a fact. Also, in most lit. classes, you have to understand the Bible to understand allusions, metaphores, and other devices to fully appreciate most* works in histroy. And to all the people claiming Jesus Christ, and claiming to live by the Bible yet, not showing love, and patients, you may need to rethink.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(haleymdavis):What you say about scientific theories and laws are true. However, the laws of gravity can be considered a scientific theory. (like evolution) There is no way to prove that gravity works the exact same way everywhere throughout the universe. And yet, no Christians I have ever met have had a problem accepting gravity. I have never read the Bible, and have fully understood everything my teacher has taught in the honors literacy class that I take. Just because you don't "understand" the Bible doesn't mean you are immune to learning about the English language.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

How the hell can gravity be considered merely a theory... there are so many things wrong with that that it would take far too long to cover everything so the main point is this - you can see it happening, you can test it happening, you are alive because of it >: |

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hate to burst your bubble but gravity IS "only" a scientific theory.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Dude, technically your right, but you can't defy gravity on Earth without means of a machine that can (ala Airplane).

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Word. You can't deny that gravity exist. It's not possible.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think that (this is going to be general) there are scientists that hate christians, and there are also christians who hate scientists, both for a variety of reasons that come down to: "You don't agree with me, so you're stupid." Those people are, though a minority, embarassing to all of us. However, most of the people in america are generally accepting of other peoples beleifs. In my opnion, someones personal decisions should have no affect on how i feel about them, and I am a devout Catholic.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No lit class of mine has ever featured the bible. There are plenty of other works that illustrate literary devices just fine. As for 'theory' versus 'law' you are mistaken, as most usually are. In science, when we say FACT we mean that it was proven to be true. When we say 'Law' we say that we have tested it rigorously and it has never failed thus far, nor do we see it ever failing in the future. A Theory has been rigorously tested and though it is by all means highly likely it has not been proven or cannot be proven in any reasonable manner. Evolution, ladies and gentlemen, is a documented fact. The process of evolution has bee observed and recorded countless times by now in countless species. There is, however, still a theoretical component concerning things we have no records of, which can be subject to all the debate you desire, if done in a scientific manner.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Maggie: Scientists are not acting out of hate when we disregard christian mythology. If anything, I react with confusion myself, as I try to figure out why one is battling science with literature. There are many prominent scientists who are christian, and though I am not I have many friends who are. I doubt any scientist who can call themselves such 'hate' Christians. That being said, I look at it this way: Christians are the only religious group lamenting that their beliefs are not being taught as facts - yet no other religion gets taught either. I am pagan, and my beliefs about creation are not being taught. I find this appropriate, because religion is a matter of opinion - it has no place in fact. Monotheists are the only ones who seem to believe en masse that their beliefs are entitled to treatment as fact while everyone else is not.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I wasn't saying that everyone like that, just a few people who have unfairly becaome the stereotype among "Catholics". You do have a point where religion shouldn't be taught in public schools, but you have to look at the way a certain religion is set up sometimes. It honestly doesnt surprise me that christians want our religion as fact. I think religion is really personal, and it should be left up to an induvidual whether or not it should be taught to their children.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh, and maybe hate was too strong a word.. dislike would be better.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I totally agree. Religion has NO factual basis, which is why faith is so strongly used in it. Science however has fact involved which is why it is taught in school. Religion cannot be taught in public schools in America due to the first amendment which states freedom of religion is a right. If Christianity was a require course in school, people would get mad. Theology, the study of all religion, can be taught. Just not specific religions (Like there can't be a class that teaches the Bible or Torah or Quaran.)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If you want your child to learn about religion, send them to a religious school. If not, send them to a public school.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You guys are funny :P

by Anonymous 13 years ago

seperation of church and state. look it up.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

well to leave it as simple as possible...both religion and science need some sort of faith from the person who is putting their time or effort into either subject. I mean, come on you need a lot of faith to believe the world suddenly burst into combustion and bam you have life?? also, since seeing is beleiveing and God is not physical, it takes a lot of faith to believe in God or even any ruling deity out there. you cannot make judgements in other beliefs without having faith in your own belief so maybe taking a look at the bigger picture would be better for everyone to do:P

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(snlrocks!): The thing is, you don't have to take science on faith. That's the point of science. If you want to drop a bowling ball and a feather in a vacuum, you can see the effects of gravity right before you; you don't need any faith. Now, the concepts of the Big Bang theory are quite a bit more complex, but they were made with careful experimentation by really smart people. So yes, we have to have "faith" in scientists because we don't all want to devote decades of our lives to studying particle physics, but the actual theory itself isn't based on faith.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I have to agree. We only learn about evolution in Science. And it's not: This is the way it is believed to be, its: This is what happened blah blah blah.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

BECAUSE you CANNOT teach a roomful of students YOUR beliefs. Different people believe different things. If you want to learn religion, go to a religious school and not public school. Don't complain that public schools don't teach what you believe. It's pointless and selfish.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Calm down you lot. why don't you all die and find out where you end up? buh bye. p.s it isn't called the god theory is it. big bang theory. kind of a hint ;)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

But think about how many religions claim there god or gods are the superior and others ar inferior. The reason there is no god theory is because religion covers that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't get why people think the big bang theory and the theory of evolution are the same. They are not. The big bang theory is a way to explain why the universe came into existance. Theory of evolution (which is much less of a theory as it has been documented and studied that that's just the way things happen, things evolve to suit their environment) Anyway like someone said if you want your kids to learn about religion send them to a religious school. I was and I learnt about how god supposedly made the earth. And in science lernt about evolution (even though the religion teachers said this was wrong).

by Anonymous 13 years ago

snlrocks: Science does not take faith - it is presented with as much evidence as possible, and based purely in logic. There are people who agree and disagree with some theories, and that is considered a great thing in science, because it forces us to prove ourselves rigorously. It would be a terrible thing if science was like a religion, telling people 'this is how it is because I say so!' because then we would make no progress at all. What we do not like, is being argued against with religion instead of reason. It's fine to say 'I think this theory is wrong because dna/rna does not spontaneously form' because then we can run experiments and say 'we can get rna to form in such and such conditions.' It is not ok to say 'I think this theory is wrong because I believe God did it' because there is no logic or reasoning for us to address.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Exactly! Jesus H. Christ, people, stop comparing religion to science. It just can't combine. Seriously, water and oil.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Evolution is not a belief. Grade A moron shit all through this topic...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

woo! Nice job you incited a religious argument :D That makes your username pretty ironic lol. Kaiser chiefs are pretty cool :3 Both sides are at fault. I believe in god, but I won't admit that there are a lot of faithfuls who are idiots, along with atheists, evolutionists, (almost every other religion, etc.) Nobody doesn't have some 39% of people on their side that make the rest of them look idiotic along with them. In the end we are ALL hypocrites, and it all falls on the difference between tolerance and respect.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree with this amirite, it is hypocitical. The theory of Evolution is a theory, and people have the right to disagree with it. I'm a Christian and I go to a predominantly atheist public school where evolution is taught as a module in Biology. I don't agree with it but I learn it anyway because I completely understand that religion isn't enough for some people. Having said that, I am completely sick to death of people degrading the most important thing to me in my life, my religion, who are arrogant enough to assume that people with different opinions to them are wrong. Sure, I believe certain things, and I believe that they're right and I'm right in believing them, but I don't think it's impossible for me to be wrong. Oh and people who "shove Christianity down your throats" are probably trying to save you from Hell, but then again that's my opinion. Smile, Jesus loves you :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Has it EVER occured to you that perhaps we don't wanna be saved? I mean I am a Christian but I stand by Scientific Creation. You kinda have proof inside of you of evolution. Don't DARE tell me it is a mere test of God. If God was really that much of a dick to decieve you and make you think something different, is he so much different as our mutual enemy? I have been told that fucking dinosaurs never existed. That makes me wanna piss on a fucking IGNORANT Christian. Not a logical one. It's the ignorant Christians I dislike. Being a Christian I can't hate people. But when someone swears me to Hell, it pisses me off.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(PoliticalTeen.): Lemme rephrase that, I hate people, just not to the extreme that I would act against them, and I hate US as a whole. We are all a bunch of ignorant mean fucks.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(PoliticalTeen.): That's us as in we not as in U.S.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think I pissed some people off... haha ;D maybe I exaggerated a teensy bit, but hey, what can I say? I was sorta mad when I wrote it, haha! People, don't get all tight about what I said, that's just my opinion. Lighten up! Sheesh

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(I Predict a Riot): Don't worry, I pissed everyone off.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

ok, I went the logical route, explaining that Evolution is Science and Christianity is Religion and therefore not comparable and it's had no effect, so lets do it this way . . . Christianity is horribly wrong, and has such a long bloody history of murdering thousands of innocents in the name of their intolerant and hypocritical sadistic bastard of a God it should be banned and wiped from history like it's tried so hard to do to everyone else. Well, there's your firewood folks. Enjoy!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I wasn't speaking for atheism. I specified MONOTHEISTS as the agressive blood thirsty fiends (that means all people who believe in one God) and I was speaking for POLYTHEISTS (people who, in general, believe in multiple dieties, as was common right before the infection of Christianity became dominant).

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Proff of evolution is LITERALLY inside of you. Your TAILbone and your apendix are vestigial which means EVOLUTION occured on these two things IN YOUR BODY!!! Fuck. Learn some anatomy.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(PoliticalTeen.): Actually, those organs do have some purposes. The appendix provides antibodies for the large intestine, and the tailbone is an attachment site for different muscles such as the gluteus maximus. (sp?) In your words, 'Fuck. Learn some anatomy.' ;)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The point is that they have lost their importance over the millenia. But to be honest, you got yourself a point. Tuche`.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(PoliticalTeen.): Well I'm glad we've reached some sort of agreement on that front ;)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The feeling is mutual, sir or madam.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

... What the heck is a 'fucktard' anyway? first, 'retard' is a rather offensive statement to use, and second, doesn't fuck basically mean sex? That doesn't even make sense! Who comes up with these words?!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(I Predict a Riot): Basically I'm replacing the "re" with "Fuck" because I enjoy the use of profanity in arguements. I'm a mass of contradictions, don't judge me. But making sense of insults is not my point.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@riot: Well, to be fair I never got the word retard either. It's supposed to be from the latin 'Tardus' which means "slow, sluggish, dull, stupid" that sort of thing. Re means again, doesn't it? So retard apparently was supposed to indicate that someone was not just dull, stupid, or slow, but they were dull, stupid, and slow again somehow? Maybe because it's ongoing? I think Fucktard would then mean someone who is slow, sluggish, or dull in sex? lol, maybe it's supposed to mean you like softcore, lol. Or that you're not kinky enough for him. You should probably take it as a compliment in that case, lol.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Your mom's not kinky enough for me! In all seriousness, where I'm from it's a pretty fuckin' big insult. I'm too set in my ways to make sense of insults. But to add on to what you said, "retard" kinda makes no sense if you think about it. You can't be stupid twice. That just makes you stupid squared.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Thats because Christians blatantly judge you based on your belifes. It almost seems like if you don't agree with some of them, then they take it as you're shitting on everything they believe in and immediately get offended (this just happened to me a couple of days ago). The fact of the matter is every culture has their own brand of religion. What that tells me is that there is more then just one path to heaven.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree, too many christians are too fond on condemning everyone around them for us to consider them "just a few crazies." Christians get some sort of thrill from thinking they are superior to everyone else, and I see why when their own religion is constantly telling them they are not good enough. It's sad, really. Their own scripture is a bully, so they turn around and bully others to feel better about themselves. I get approached all the time by self-important christians. It makes me sick.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The Bible teaches us to love. Its Christians who don't follow the Bible who give us a bad rep :( Honestly, we are supposed to teach people what we believe, but never in a "YOUR WRONG YOU SUCK" kind of way. So I apologize, because not all Christians are like that, I don't believe I'm superior to anyone to be honest, sometimes I get frustrated and I do act like it, but who doesn't?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Most polytheists don't. Or Wiccans, I guess. You know, when I turned pagan, I had the attitude that I would not condemn others like I had so often been condemned. I try to teach other pagans not to begrudge Christians their behavior and to let it go . . . but the more I fight that battle, and the more I get approached literally every day by haughty Christians the more I hate them myself. I struggled with it for a long time - thinking that I would hate myself if I became as condemning as they were. The thing is, I don't condemn them for their beliefs, I condemn them for their treatment of others, for their close-mindedness. For their self-important thought process, and the fact that they try so hard to impose their religious beliefs on others. Because of self-righteous Christians women suffer, homosexuals suffer, pagans suffer, and more personally, I suffer. So I give up defending them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

see, I find that sad...because the Christians who talk with hate give us such a bad rep. Well I just wanna let you know that we aren't all like that I promise.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's not even just the hate. I can't so much as stand at a bus stop with some one trying to make me read pamphlets and telling me all about the 'kingdom of god.' If I wanted to know anything about it, I'd find a random church to ask. I hate being constantly bombarded with this kind of thing. It's rude.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I hate that too. So I found a solution. I bought red contact lenses and scarcrow fangs. Therefore, when someone wants to shove ANY religion down my throat, I put them on and use psuedo-latin curses that don't exist. It's pretty hiarious. But I get alot of weird looks. There has got to be something wrong with me. Thank God for trileptal, or else I'd be tripping balls.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

We aren't it's true. Just the numnuts who do the whole "God hates Fags" and "Join my religion or burn in Hell" That kill it for us.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

People shouldn't suffer. And again it's the rotten sick fucks who want to say that everything is a mortal sin and will condemn you to hell. I personally apologize for my people who have decided to hate everyone. I can tell you that, as a Christian, I hate people as a whole, not any specific group. Which contradicts everything I just said....Fuck.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

AHHH. I totally made myself feel bad. I never took the time to read your shit through. Now that I do, I can agree on somethings with ya. I honestly can say that I don't not like you anymore. I'm sorry I said such bullshit things.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You know, I do have a handful of Christian friends I can respect - but that's because they take a whole different approach to being 'Christian' from anything I've ever seen. One of my closest friends, Pres, described that being Christian to him was a literal definition - to try to be Christ-like, as in, to follow His teachings. I have a lot of respect for Jesus the Christ - as a man or a demigod, or however you want to look at him. I can be cool with that, because Pres doesn't condemn anyone or anything, is curious and open-minded, and above all he's a good person and finds peace and relief through practicing the forgiveness and love the Christ was so iconic for. So I can't say I hate all Christians, I guess, just most of the mainstream ones, lol. The sad part is, in real life I have to be kind and compassionate to the Christians who would condemn me - I work in nursing. You wouldn't believe the shit I take sometimes.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That kinda sucks there. But I take that kind of approach. Except for when I get pissed off. Then I go all "Ah, fuck you all". Damn bi-polar.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I work with the elderly a lot, and many of my residents are confused (they have dementia) so while they go off on their "burn in hell you witch of satan" spiel, I just have to smile politely and ask them if there's anything else I can do to make them more comfortable. Nursing is very emotionally taxing. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted strike back when a demented resident hits me (or worse - tries to grab my ass or breasts!) but I can't because I am responsible for their well-being. On the other hand, every once in a while you come across someone that actually appreciates what you do, and then it's all worth it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I've seen both ends of the Christian spectrum - in full extreme. I do my best to take them as they come, but I cannot help being wary of Christians who approach me with a clear intent to discuss religion. I'm Pagan. Well, Pagan-Buddhist to be precise. I am polytheistic as well. Primarily the Greek Pantheon, though I have no problem with other pantheons. Now, recall I said I'd met the full extreme of both ends of the Christian spectrum? The reason I'm wary of Christians is based upon the experience of a small group of Christians attempting to 'burn the witch' out of me. It's a horrible thing, and I hope someday they come to their senses about their cruelty. I've also had full sleeping accommodations, dinner, and automobile repair supplied, free of charge, by a Christian group. despite this, I'm saddened that the mistreatment weighs more upon my mind than the hospitality. I'm working to correct this, but understand please, that something like this may be why you're being slandered.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

not all christians are bad or think evolution is heresy, im a catholic and i believe that evolution happened, ie u look in the bible it talks about how God made the earth, which in my opinion means all matter, then He made the sun and the stars and they were formed before the planets. He then made the oceans which goes along with some theories made by scientists. Them he made the fish, it is believed that all life came from the ocean. Then it is the beasts of the earth. Then comes man, which could imply man evolved from animals and who is to say that one of God'S days is not a billion or so years to us?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

think of it this way: without God, there wouldn't be anything to argue agenst. Becuase if there wasn't a god, then nobody would believe in him, and then nobody would know anything better. How can you make an arguement when there isn't another side?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

not really. evolutionists rarely shove their beliefs down peoples throats, even when Darwin figured out stuff he held it back for years in case of Christians getting angry. anyway, in school you learn BOTH, evolution and religion, so you can then decide what's right =) sounds fair to me

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, that's right. And I'm tired of these Newtonists shoving the THEORY of gravity down my throat. Why don't they teach intelligent falling?

by Anonymous 12 years ago