+124 A helping hand from others is a gift, not a right.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It's a right because we all need help to survive. Humans are inherently communal and not self sufficient. A helping hand from others is natural, and part of human nature. We can't do anything without others.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I could really really use 1 million british pounds tight about now. 😐

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Me too bruh.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

>A helping hand from others is natural, and part of human nature. We can't do anything without others. Then you need not consider it a right, coz its gonna happen naturally 🤷‍♂️

by Anonymous 1 year ago

By your Logik there are No rights at all.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Make sure all your friends and family know you feel this way so they can respect your views next time you're having a rough time.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Seriously, what is a right? I get that on an intentional political governmental level we want to make sure that all people are treated with dignity, but between individuals we can't talk about rights to claim any specific behavior from others. Generally I think it is ridiculous to come this Life and feel the right to claim anything. Every meal, drink and opportunity to rest, learn and even help others are gifts and should be taken with tremendous gratitude. Life is a mystery and Every moment alive is a unexpected wonder and we are all fåking confused about it all, so don't be like Karen and expect others to do certain things, that's just dumb.

by Anonymous 1 year ago