+140 Peoples whose pets run away, don't deserve to get them back / have pets. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

If I don't let the shelter cats run away who is going to feed the coyotes around my home? You? Didn't think so.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

We have a small dog less than 20 lbs. Our son left the window in his room open a bit when we went out. The dog scratched through the metal screen and went exploring. The dog went to our son's school.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

We had a big dog and get he managed to get out the front gate or just jump the fence and went into a neigbours house and had an explore. Didn't know he could get out 🤦🏼‍♀️

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Accidents happen but if you were deliberately irresponsible than I think its fine to critise. Like a dog slipping it's lead is an accident but letting a dog off the lead when it has no re-call whatsoever is dangerous.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Imagine being this stupid. If I came to your house and let your pets out, what would you do?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

We lost a puppy once through a fence. She immediately wandered into the street and got hit by a car. Accidents happen

by Anonymous 1 year ago

How do you lose a puppy through a fence? If it isn't a fully enclosed space. I don't think it should be off the lead outside without supervision.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I had a German shepherd that I could not keep home. Lived in the country and had a big yard, at night he'd come in the house but he could absolutely not be left in the house during the day so he had a dog house with a 30 foot chain. He would break the chain every day. So I got a heavy chain and he would break his collar, so I got a heavy duty collar, and he broke the connection to the chain. So I remember getting this buckle from the agriculture store that was used to keep calves from breaking it. He couldn't break that so he managed to slip out of his collar. I didn't want to over tighten his collar now, so I didn't know what to do, and I went out and got a special dog enclosure, it was a chain link type of fence. All metal all the way around. High too. Basically unbreakable. Huge install but I liked it because I don't like chains anyway and now he had like a whole run that was free space and he could still see through the fence. Came home and he had chewed through the chain link. He literally chewed a hole through the metal fence and got out. Sometimes they escape despite your best efforts.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I have this opinion whenever I see a person walking their dog around the streets without a leash on. And letting it just go unassisted towards passersby who couldn't care less about it.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I had a blue tick hound mutt mix that would take off if she was not leashed. She would try to tree raccoons, squirrels, possums. She was bred to do this so instinct kicked in the second she was outside. She got out four times and took off. Your opinion is based of your unique experience and a lot of ignorance.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I completely agree.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I agree with this.

by Anonymous 1 year ago