+158 Penis envy does happen but only between men, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Nah. I remember the snowstorm of 2011. It took hours to get home - I was on the highway and it was bumper to bumper traffic. I saw men get out of their car and run towards the side of the road to pee in bushes. At that point, I'm pretty sure a lot of the women in the cars around me wished they had penises.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

She-wee fixes that problem.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

With current trends and ways of thinking, I'm not sure anymore...

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I'm pretty sure plenty of women have contemplated what it's like having a penis and/or admired a particular one. Or envied one not belonging to their partner....

by Anonymous 1 year ago

True I've never once been envious about a man's dick, they seem more like an inconvenience to me.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I doubt that it's only men. I imagine some female couples wish they could have a penis if not just for an hour or two.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Freud got it totally wrong: it wan’t the organ itself that women envied, it was the physical strength, the social standing, & the political power of the penis owners. Having said that, there are still women who say that they have never experienced an orgasm, which I find astonishing in this day & age. The penis is relatively easy to arouse & orgasm will quickly follow with continual stimulation, & it is this property that these women find desirable & may well envy. I deal with these cases regularly, & only rarely does an examination reveal any physical cause for their inability to orgasm: the common theme seems to be their reluctance to explore their own bodies & sexual response. It usually turns out that there is a deep seated reason for this, the cause being buried in their early childhood. Most girls discover their clitoris around the age of 4/5, & will masturbate in bed whilst waiting for sleep to arrive. Orgasms are rare at this stage, but the act is calming & soothing, helping them drift off into restful sleep. It is vitally important not to interfere with this action: you simply must ignore it & let them explore their body. Any suggestion that it is dirty, disgusting, & that they shouldn’t touch themselves there is likely to fundamentally alter their whole attitude to sex & their ability to enjoy it. Later on, they will naturally discover orgasms, & master the process of achieving them. If they never learn how to bring themselves to a sexual climax, they will not be able to guide any male lover in the skills necessary for a satisfactory love life together. When she can bring herself to an orgasm fundamentally more powerful that that provided by a penis, & go on to enjoy the multiple orgasms not possible with a penis, why on earth would any woman be at all envious of a penis. And yes, having a sheewee handily negates the only real advantage of having one.

by Anonymous 5 months ago