+147 Forza Horizon 5 was one the off the most disappointing games of the series, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

This isn't unpopular there were a ton of complaints at launch.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I found the environment munch more polished in FH5 , more terrain variations and the physics felt a little better but more sim . What were your biggest problems with the showcase events in FH5? *note , I was chatting with my friend about this , he said that he liked the game but the seasonal challenges felt like just more FH4 and got tired of them quick

by Anonymous 1 year ago

with showcase events i mean events in general, anniversary update was cool but bugs, and the more pressure on system for seemingly the same graphics. loss of car companies and the sponsored events are absolutely non-existent in FH5

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I think they tried to put more jobs into the game to add to the game instead in light of the missing things. But I am in agreement somewhat it's not my favourite Horizon games. I felt they improved on a lot though, they made creator challenges and I community projects more fun and the driving felt better to me(especially with a wheel). Can I ask what you like to do in a horizon game because play style can heavily effect you opinion of the game ?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I got bored of it a lot faster than horizon 4. If that's worth anything.

by Anonymous 1 year ago


by Anonymous 1 year ago

FH4 had issues with online loading times, worse physics and all, but I enjoyed it much more due to more interesting map

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Personally I've always enjoyed the Forza Motorsport series more than the Forza Horizons. But I've not given a totally fare shake to Horizon, just played it a little here and there.

by Anonymous 1 year ago