+105 If in the future we ever achieve landing on another planet or colonizing another planet, the general public shouldn't be allowed to know about the accomplishment ever happening. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

yeah, just keep the colonization of another entire planet secret, that's feasible

by Anonymous 1 year ago

we haven't had any problems yet and the internet on the moon of phobos is pretty reliable lat I'VE SAID TOO MUCH HAVE TO GO

by Anonymous 1 year ago

>I wouldn't be surprised if some government actually has landed on or colonized another planet already but has decided we can never be trusted to know about it until we absolutely need to evacuate due to something like an asteroid. I would be very suprised. Keeping secrets is hard, even at a government level, and especially if it involves multiple governments with ever changing leaders and policies. In fact Trump's presidency finally proved to me that the US does not have secret alien tech or any other major world shattering secrets, because there is zero chance Trump wouldn't have tweeted them out at some point.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

> In fact Trump's presidency finally proved to me that the US does not have secret alien tech or any other major world shattering secrets, because there is zero chance Trump wouldn't have tweeted them out at some point. I think the not-so-secret secret of most democratic governments is that the bureaucracy holds a ton of power, often keeps elected officials in the dark on a wide variety of issues, and elected officials often struggle to reign in agencies under their control. I would not be surprised if agencies hid important information from the president of they suspected he would act contrary to their wishes.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I'm sorta kidding, sorta not: if there was data/evidence of ET life, there's a good chance 'they' wouldn't even tell Trump. Or any president, for that matter.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Zero chance? Someone can have a big head and still be able to keep *some* secrets secret. Not that the presidents themselves know the secrets guarded by the nation's scientists.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

You can't even trust something will stay secret when only two people know about it. A project that would take at least hundreds if not thousands of people to accomplish would be completely impossible to keep under wraps.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It's not unheard of. NSA surveillance was kept a secret for an impressive amount of time. Historically, the Soviet Russia used to have entire cities they kept a secret from everyone outside of them for a much longer time.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Don't worry, it'll never happen.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Not sure how we'd build and launch a generation ship while keeping it a secret

by Anonymous 1 year ago