+161 Telling people you're looking for people to work and not just collect a paycheck, while you're desperately in need of help of workers is a huge turn off. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I dont understand the title

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Lol to be honest I was like am I high or does none of this make sense, I'm seeing words but it's just not computing

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Some companies advertise that they're pooling for. Someone who isn't just looking to take a job for the money. OP says this is stupid, since everyone works for money.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

anyone making under 30 dollars an hour should be doing the bare minimum always, any extra effort will never be rewarded.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Agreed. It's just a way to say that the respect won't be mutual. They expect from the employee what they will not return - using the concept that anyone should be lucky to have a job. Most employers will do everything they can to get as much as they can at the lowest cost to fill their own pockets.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

not a turn off. it's a red flag. whatever motives people to work is their problem, if they work accordingly to the compensation. and if their work is not up to your standards, you should investigate if the working conditions provided are conducive of the work they you want done.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Nah man enough red flags let him have a turn off don't kink shame you gate keeper

by Anonymous 1 year ago

May be true for most people. Some people join a company because they believe in their mission, work ethic etc. Plenty of talented people joined Tesla and SpaceX because they believe in Elon's vision of making life multiplanetory and creating clean electric vehicles. They wanted to be a part of that and help accelerate it's progress. The people who joined had enthusiastic spirit that far surpassed someone who works for money. They are willing to work day and night to make the dream a reality. Person working for money complains going to work. The spirit, the attitude is what they are looking for.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Who has spirit working at a gas station?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Elon musk doesn't have a vision. He's just a rich asshole who made his money off of the oppression of black people. He's only successful because his parents own a emerald mind in Africa.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Why aren't lottery winners billionaires? They have plenty of money to start with, right?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Maybe some of them are. Most billionaires have had an investment from a wealthy relative.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Most aren't. I'm not sure who you are in real life, if you were to be honest, work ethic, intelligence and ability has much to do with it. Elon works 7 days a week.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It's supposed to turn some people off. If you feel personally attacked by the accusation that you might just be "showing up to collect a paycheck," the job's not for you.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Turn it around the other way on them. "I'm not looking to just work, I'm looking to learn and grow. Can you offer that?" If all you offer is the bare minimum that's all you will be in return.

by Anonymous 1 year ago