A light bulb has a 50/50 chance of turning on, amirite?
by Anonymous2 years ago
It turns off exactly the same number of times as it turns on, so yeah.
by Anonymous2 years ago
Schrödinger's Cat...
What if you never turn on the light bulb? How would you know if it works?
by Anonymous2 years ago
the known fact is .....it has a 50/50 chance of working
by Anonymous2 years ago
No. It has nearly 100% chance of working if there is power and a proper light bulb and circuit. And a brain drain beam doesn't hit my head as I go to turn on the light and make me forget how they work.
There is a chance of a stroke. A meteor detonating over my head. A drive-by fruiting.
Also, I cannot rule out the Rapture to below 9 orders of unlikely.
by Anonymous2 years ago
Yes but OP said "chance" and it's not arbitrary until we connect the switch to some random event.
The chances isn't exactly 100% guaranteed. I could suddenly die before switching the light on or off, or the power company could disconnect me for not paying a bill -- in which case it's nearly 100% chance it will not turn back on until I pay and then CHOOSE to turn the light on.
If I want to see in the dark, chances are high I will CHOOSE to turn on the light.
by Anonymous2 years ago
ok how about this
"A light bulb has a 50/50 chance of working"
by Anonymous2 years ago
Would you bet on it? Because when you speak of chance, you're essentially speaking of a bet. I'll even give you a 2-to-1 advantage for the light bulb in my kitchen. I'll flick the switch. Every time it doesn't work I'll give you $2. Every time it works you'll give me just $1. We'll try 100 times. Surely you'll make easy money, right?
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago