+158 If your partner is no longer interested in sex , then maybe you are just bad at sex.. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

So, the only reason someone wouldn't want sex is because you're not good at it? Not for any reasons of **their own**? (But of course *you* are good at it OP, can't have us thinking otherwise oh no not for one second)

by Anonymous 1 year ago

You really just glossed over any and all emotional feelings that could also cause a person to not want sex. By your logic, if somebody refuses sex because they're depressed - Sike, you're actually just garbage at sex

by Anonymous 1 year ago

wow this guy sexes and he self claims that he's good at sex. damn he's cool everyone, let's all pay attention to him. bruh, seriously?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I may be bad at sex, but I think I'm super good at receiving head, so I don't feel like that should suffer.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I totally agree but sometimes it's not about the performance,I for one get turned off by men saying the wrong thing,normally the relationship starts off great then when they feel comfortable it's the weird requests or pointing out how much their ex liked it,the nagging‘I know you don't want to but I'll do it differently to other guys'..no you won't mate,you'll be just as selfish as the ones b4 you

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Yes this is more the mentality I am trying to challenge.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I agree. I've seen so many guys complain that they have to beg their wives for sex, you probably are lame in the sack lol Every relationship I've been in she wanted it as much if not more than me.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

There is only one way to get better though so refusing to have it seems counterproductive

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Yeah the problem only comes in when you're bad at sex and unwilling to learn, otherwise if your just bad at sex the only solution is to have more sex.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

This is probably more about your social media algorithm I wonder why that's what it keeps giving you

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Or some of us are just so tired and busy in life that sex isn't always at the front of our mind.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

That's not even an opinion, it's an assumptive judgement - and unlikely true in most cases

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Definetely. Many middle-aged men discover they no longer need viagra after about week in South America or Asia.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

A great many men complain that their wives no longer have any desire for sex, & what usually happens is that she goes off to bed early & he stays up & masturbates. This leads to him becoming accustomed to using porn for his gratification which then becomes a difficult-to-break habit. What he doesn’t realise is that his wife needs greater sexual satisfaction than he is able to give her, and is also masturbating, giving herself the powerful, often multiple, orgasms that she never experiences with him. This situation is so common in long-term relationships as to almost be the norm. It is now generally accepted that the male body is poorly equipped to fully satisfy a woman during intercourse, but women care too much for their partner to injure his precious ego by criticising his performance, so they resort to masturbation in order to be fully satiated. Most would still be prepared to cater for his needs if he actually asked, but men tend not to discuss their shortcomings. As always, open discussion is the answer, & the solution is easily negotiated. By far the best & most common compromise is for the man to bring his partner to orgasm by using his tongue against her clitoris before his penis is even touched. When she has had the orgasms she needs & is fully satiated, he can then enter her to enjoy his own orgasm: this will invariably cause her to climax at least one more time. Once the woman is reassured of total satisfaction, she will nearly always welcome him back into her bed as often as he desires it, although it is important that he does allow her some occasional “alone time”: men do have to accept that women have a greater capacity for sexual pleasure than they are usually prepared to cater for! Sex isn’t everything in a relationship, but if both partners are fully satisfied they are unlikely to ever break up.

by Anonymous 5 months ago