+145 We are only a few sales away from a single corporation owning the entirety of all products sold. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

We've got laws to prevent monopolies so a single corporation can never own everything

by Anonymous 1 year ago

All this competitive bureaucratic edge-lording of people writing or reading documents as opposed to being a clear and present solution to a problem or need really gives everyone a good chuckle, I'm sure of it.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

There's basically two investment firms with a controlling stake in just about everything. And one of those is effectively owned by the same family that runs the other. Ultimately, just about everything IS owned by a very small handful of people. There's different names and even "competition" among companies, but at the end of the day the same people are getting rich whether you buy Coke or Pepsi, Nestle or Mars, Wal-mart or Target.

by Anonymous 1 year ago