I love a good steak, but they were just so many other things that I can do with ground beef
by Anonymous2 years ago
You can make steak into ground beef
With ground beef your sort of stuck with it unless you make a burger or meatballs
Which you can make out of a steak
You are just limiting yourself with ground stuff
by Anonymous2 years ago
How on earth does ground beef taste the same as steak
by Anonymous2 years ago
He's cooking his steak well done apparently which is provably the whole problem.
by Anonymous2 years ago
I'll grant you more versatile.
Everything else... no.
by Anonymous2 years ago
I really love steak but I could give it up if I had to. Couldn't go without burgers or ground beef tacos though.
by Anonymous2 years ago
Agreed. But I'd take it farther and say that steak isnt good at all.
by Anonymous2 years ago
This is sorta like saying peanut butter is better than peanuts.
One includes the other, it's not really a valid dichotomy.
If I have a good steak, I can make good ground beef. I can't go the other way.
by Anonymous2 years ago
Nothing made with ground beef is going to taste better than a pan-seared or grilled ribeye. Also, most recipes that call for ground beef could be made with chopped steak, and would be tastier.
by Anonymous2 years ago
Why did I read this as "ground beef is better than shark"
by Anonymous2 years ago
Which would probably be a popular opinion. But wrong.
by Anonymous2 years ago
What's ground beef?
by Anonymous2 years ago
I agree. Give me a perfectly cooked hamburger over a steak any day.
by Anonymous2 years ago
And ground pork is better then ground beef
by Anonymous2 years ago
I prefer ground beef also because its easy to not undercook qnd get foodpoisoning
by Anonymous2 years ago
You are more likely to get food poisoning with ground beef as the inner and outer meat is all mixed up
With steak you only need to kill bacteria on the surface
Have you never heard of a rare or blue steak?
by Anonymous2 years ago
I just prefer ground beaf bcs its easy to fo well done without becoming too inedible
by Anonymous2 years ago
How many people do you know who've ever got food poisoning from steak? It's really rare (no pun intended).
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago
by Anonymous 2 years ago