+162 People who get mad when you ask about their tattoos are pretentious assholes, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I've never had anyone get mad when I complimented or inquired about their tattoos.I've only received happy responses.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

you may not be a creepy dude then lol

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Fr it sounds like homeboy "complimented" someone and they got offended

by Anonymous 1 year ago

"nice tats" at a loud club

by Anonymous 1 year ago

But she hears "tatas". Then slaps you

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Creepy Dude: noun : a man who approaches a woman but is below her standards of physical attractiveness.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Found the incel, that was easy

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Thanks for proving my point by immediately jumping to the ad hominum

by Anonymous 1 year ago

So your point was to get people to insult you?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Nah my people insulted me because I'm right and their pissed about it.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Right about what?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It's definitely not what the person looks like. It's how the question is asked.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I literally have been accused of stalking when this girl got a job at my place of work and started talking to all my friends, I avoided her like the plague but because she creeped me out, I looked like the creep trying to avoid her. It's a one-sided thing for sure.

by Anonymous 1 year ago


by Anonymous 1 year ago

Your point is pretty easy to refute. No need for ad hominums.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

*ad hominem*

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I seriously don't understand this fixation on the term "creepy dude" or "creep". Some people can't talk clearly or have poor social skills, how does that make them a horrible person?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Tell me you aren't a woman without telling me you aren't a woman. Having some panting weirdo double your age stare directly at your tits when they ask you personal questions is quite creepy. Creepy dudes aren't just socially awkward, theyre creeps. I heard one of the local creeps outside my house the other day talking at a young Japanese woman, the clear arousal in his voice when he said "Japanese" still makes me shudder when I think about it.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I don't mind questions about them, what I mind is mfs touching me.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Well yeah. No one should be touching anyone without consent

by Anonymous 1 year ago

"WHAT IS THIS TATTOO FOR?" *vigorously touches your pecs*

by Anonymous 1 year ago

As long as you don't touch me and aren't an asshole that tells me I am going to regret it I don't care. I get complimented, say thank you and answer questions (usually who I went to/how long it took etc)... I do find it rude when people ask me how much it cost but I just tell them because it took six months (sleeve) I don't remember the total cost. Not gonna be a jerk to them, they don't mean to be rude.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I actually never mind when someone asks the costs especially if they are debating getting one for themselves. Like a sleeve or something. I got one on my shoulder and someone asked about the cost because they wanted to get something similar size/detail work and were trying to get recs to get their own done.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

> I do find it rude when people ask me how much it cost Why?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I just think asking strangers what they paid for something is rude unless they offer it up themselves. Friends/family I don't mind knowing.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Oh, you mean strangers haha Mom told me to never speak to them xD

by Anonymous 1 year ago

They're not asking this to judge you, they just want to know how much they'd be out of pocket if they went for something similar.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

They probably just don't want to talk to you

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Never had this response. Maybe it's you.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Was thinking the same thing.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I demand YOU tell ME why YOU put that on YOUR body! I hAvE a RiGhT tO kNoW!

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Where did OP say this in their title?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Just strawmans because they can't actually challenge my point lmao

by Anonymous 1 year ago

>Honestly, this resistance to explain or talk about tattoos just screams pretentious Just because people happen to have tattoos doesn't automatically mean it's their job to entertain you and your stupid questions nor is it in an invitation to talk to them in general

by Anonymous 1 year ago

When my niece got her tattoo, my stepmom (her grandma) was flipping out and even tried rubbing it off of her arm. I was annoyed beyond belief. She's old enough and she's not your child.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Um ouch was this during healing!?!

by Anonymous 1 year ago


by Anonymous 1 year ago

as someone with tattoos i will just say it gets annoying having to have to explain it to nearly every person you meet.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Homie I'm just in Walmart to get Cheetos I don't need to explain to anyone why a frog smoking a join is meaningful I'm hungry

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I have one tattoo. There is a personal reason for the design. I don't want to spill part of my life story to people I don't know well, barely know, or don't know at all. So if I decline to explain why I got that particular tattoo, or why I got one at all, it's not out of pretentiousness or combativeness.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Why people get a tattoo is definitely personal and I don't think anybody ever has to explain their reasoning. If somebody asks what it is though I don't think is that unreasonable.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Declining to explain is not what the OP is talking about though. He's talking about getting pissy about people asking at all. Of course you can choose to say you'd rather not talk about it, it's personal.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Then why get something on your skin that everyone can see you at putting it out there so not wanting people to ask is dumb

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I did it for myself, not for anyone else. I can see it as well as others.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Exactly you got something that others can see so others are going to ask about it you could have got a picture of the image that Means so much to you and carry it in your wallet. Or just have it in your mind but you chose to put it in your skin for the world to see so ya people are going to ask

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It's no one else's business why I have something on MY body. WTF, dude. That's weird AF, and I hate that you assume I owe you (and anyone else) an explanation.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It depends on how you respond, and where it's placed. It's your decision if you want to share the story, but if it's in your face or somewhere very visible a question is expected.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

No its not. Its literally no one else's business if someone has a tattoo on their face.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Why is, or should that be, expected? That it's visible doesn't mean it's your business to ask about it.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Because it naturally draws attention. When something grabs your attention you ask questions. Expect it and don't be an ass just for someone being curious. If you don't want to answer just say that. For every person that doesn't want to talk about their tattoos there are 5 more that don't mind. If I'm curious I'm going to ask, and I can't tell if you're one of the ones that are going to get an attitude about it

by Anonymous 1 year ago

>Because it naturally draws attention. When something grabs your attention you ask questions. So do boobs, but I don't ask questions

by Anonymous 1 year ago

No, you don't. Unless you have the self-control of a brain-damaged infant. Functional adults have the ability to restrain themselves from asking nosy and intrusive questions.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Except it's not nosy or intrusive. If you don't want to entertain the question respectfully decline, it's not that hard. And the other person should respectfully abide your wishes. Id argue people like you are the ones with infantile brains. It's human nature to be sociable and ask questions. With more vocal introverts its increasingly worrying how many people truly believe simple conversation is SUCH a inconvenience and insult to bring on someone /sarcasm

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Minding your own business isn't hard either, yet apparently you can't manage that. That certainly isn't deserving of any respectful response.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Bro if you're having a conversation with someone (not randomly approaching) it's not disrespectful to ask about someone's visible tattoos. You must be insufferable to have around

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I love when people ask about my tattoos, I don't love when people use it as an excuse to touch me (yes it has happened)

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Depends on how you ask. If you're asking in a creepy and demeaning way, or asking to tell me I'll regret it or would look better without them, then f off. If you're honestly interested in the currently visible artwork on my arms, then I don't mind if you ask.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Maybe you're asking in a pretentious or combative way?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Absolutely an unpopular opinion. I didn't get my tattoo for you, I got it for me. If I want to talk about it, I will.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I don't know, sometimes it gets incredibly annoying when I'm asked the same "what does it mean?" questions over and over. I'm a woman, and some of my tattoos are incredibly personal with heavy meanings (some cultural, some personal) that I don't want to have to explain to a stranger all the time. I don't get mad, but I do find it invasive when people push the matter. Only one is very visible (my sleeve) but I find that people then start asking if I have other tattoos and then they want to see them and get pushy even when I say no, I'm not removing or moving articles of clothing so you can see them better. They aren't for other people, they're for me. If it's just compliments though or "who is the artist/where did you get it?" then I don't ever mind those sorts of questions at all. Always willing to share that info.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It depends who you're asking. If it's a friend or a work colleague then sure you can probably ask bit if you are asking random people in the street then that's just weird and people are not going to be happy giving you what maybe some details about their life

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I've never met anyone who gets mad when you ask about their tattoos. They spent money to put a piece of art they loved onto their bodies and the people I've chatted with have always been happy to tell me the stories of their tattoos. If you notice and like my tattoo then I'll happy answer questions about it because I love showing off stuff I love

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I don't think I have ever seen this type of reaction my entire life, people love talking about their tattoos usually

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I have a tattoo that I had a reaction to the ink to, and it is permanently swollen and raised, people think it's an implant, it's so strangely puffy. I'm never mad at anyone asking me about it, but if I were to seem annoyed at all, it's 18 year old me I'm annoyed with (for getting it in the first place), not the unsuspecting stranger curious about it.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I mean I don't think I've ever had anyone get angry at me about their tattoos, in fact I've more had people show me when I never asked. And you're right, people do often want to show off cool, or funny tattoos they have. But sometimes they're personal and in memory/tribute. So it makes me wonder what exactly you must be asking them, because it definitely would be possible to be insensitive or inappropriate.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I just assume if you don't want to talk about it it is because you walked in to get a tat, flipped through a book, and said "hey, that's a cool one, do that." And then realized it has no meaning or backstory for you.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I think thinking someone is obligated to explain (quite frankly anything) to you is actually insane

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Kinda like how chicks dress in revealing clothing only to complain about men staring at them. Put two and two together lmao

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It's annoying getting asked all the time. And some of my tattoos are pretty deep and personal and I don't care to share those parts of me with a stranger. I've learned to just cover them up.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Guess I'm definitely a pretentious asshole then lol

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Lol. No one owes you an explanation for their actions with their own body. Get over yourself

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Fine. No one owes me, I get that. But don't act like it's a crime for asking a question.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

but it's not a crime either if they don't want to engage in a conversation with you either.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Sure, but there's a whole ocean between it not being a crime that someone asked (which is what I'm expecting to be the default behavior, because it's not a crime) and the tattooed evangelist treating it like it's a crime lmao

by Anonymous 1 year ago

maybe they just don't want to engage in conversation with someone like you? you've got quite the view on single moms and women in general. maybe it's not them at all, it's you.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Well, it's not a personal problem or anything I've experienced asking people about their tattoos. People with tattoos have already been voicing their frustrations about this on social media for a while now.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

You also dont get to control how someone responds to your questions. Once again get over yourself. No one owes you kindness or anything.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

My brother is covered in tattoos and piercings, like face tattoos etc. then he gets upset when people stare. It flairs up his "social anxiety". 🙄

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Yeah, that I don't get. You have tattoos on your damn face, of course people are going to look. You did this to yourself. Piercings on the face… it depends what kind they are. For some people nose piercings and the like are cultural, but I'm going to assume if he has face tattoos that he's got more going than just a stud in his nose. Tattoos are becoming more mainstream, but people are still going to look. Many people in my field have tattoos, despite it being a professional career, but it's ridiculously easy to hide them under sleeves and suit jackets, which is why it's unspoken that you don't tattoo your hands or your face, because you can't cover those up and so it will always be unprofessional. My firm doesn't care if I wear a dress with no sleeves because my sleeve is considered "professional" (no gang/hate symbols, curse words, inappropriate imagery, etc), but tattooing my face and hands would be a big no-no.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Yeah, it's kinda a busy look. I've tried explaining to him it's going to catch peoples attention but he still gets bent outta shape about it.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It's narcissism, they want the attention and also the power to dismiss it, especially if the attention is coming from someone they don't like. ​ Some people make half their personality or more about tattoos and then are surprised that people are interested in them. Pathetic.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

There it is.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

People who find their tattoos meaningful are some of the most vapid people on the planet.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

A hundred percent agree.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Usually most people are cool about it. There is a lot of very pretentious people who get inked up though. My ex was tattooed by a lot of famous artists and she was such a bitch to people who asked about them.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Well, at least we have someone finally admitting that those people do in fact exist lmao.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

My favorite idiots are the ones that get tattoos in foreign languages and then they tell you to google the translation rather than just telling you. If you don't want people to ask, don't get them where they're visible, you attention seeking clown. Lol

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Asking is fine, but I've had strangers just grab my arm to look. It happens less now than it did it in the past though.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Tattoos have become mainstream. I remember when my grandma would pull to the shoulder to let a Harley Davidson pass. Nowadays, grandmas have no problem approaching a dirty tattooed biker to complain about the noise and compare tattoos. I chose a counter culture appearance 40 years ago to avoid conversations.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

First World problem

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Excuse me, the correct term is "Stuffy Poopy Faces". Get your grammar right bro

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It gets very old when like 5 people a day are asking about your tats. Excuse the lack of patience from some people, it does get kind of annoying.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

See on one hand I think that's the way people SHOULD act about it, but I also respect that some people don't want to. I imagine they probably see it from the perspective of annoyance in having to explain their tattoos

by Anonymous 1 year ago

In some cases, they might have a lot of regret about the tattoo. Bringing it up might make them really uncomfortable and anxious.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I hate attention, but love my "art collection". I realize that looking the way I do and especially having my face tattooed, that people are just gonna want to ask questions. We are curious creatures. Some days I'm glad to talk about it and some days not so much. On the days I don't, I have canned responses for strangers that are kind, but get me on my way.

by Anonymous 1 year ago