+161 When dating, if you expect people to take you 100% as you are, you deserve to be rejected 99% of the time, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Getting rejected 99% of the time is fine as long as you make 100 moves.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

This should be quoted

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Nah don't give Steve who peaked in high school any false hope

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I mean I don't really see anything wrong with that if he's fine with the way he looks. But you likely won't get the best partner that way

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I agree with this. I've sworn off trying to date until i better myself. I'm overweight/obese and refuse to even try to date until i'm at a healthy weight and can look at myself in the mirror and be be proud of who i am. If you refuse to do anything to better yourself then you deserve to be alone.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I mean, yeah, and he probably will be. Even if this is an unpopular opinion, it's the opinion that reality holds.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I would understand if your friend was annoyed about being rejected for something he can't control but weight can indeed be changed.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Not for nothing, but your friend kinda has a point, do you want someone who likes you, or your biceps? If your goal is to put up numbers, by all means work in finance and run marathons, it sounds like he has a different goal.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I think it is reasonable to want someone who takes care of themselves enough to maintain a healthy weight. But I suppose it depends on whether one's motivation is appearance or actual physical well-being. If you're overweight, you should try to lose weight. Not to look better, but to feel better and be healthier.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I want my future partner to love me for my whole self not my ass and tits. I'd they don't like who I am then they don't get my body

by Anonymous 1 year ago

The male of almost every species has the instinct to make himself attractive to potential mates. Motivation to make yourself attractive as a mate is the same as motivation to have a mate.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

If you're 36 and still haven't had any success dating, you should just give up at that point.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

This is idealistic at the end of the day we can only be ourselves we can improve but we will ultimately be the same. We should be considerate of our partner and learn yes but we are still the same person. I would say i'm the very simular in dating and normal life in terms of my looks, cleanliness and how I respect others? Then again I don't need to go through a major life transformation and i've never been rejected …

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It always astounds me how many people think being overweight is a choice. I personally have been slim/athletic my entire 31 years of life, and it has nothing to do with choice. If I didn't have the fast metabolism that I was blessed with, I would be overweight too! And even if it is technically possible to lose all of that weight to then become slim, I doubt I would have the energy or determination to make it happen. People deal with mental disorders (myself included) that prevent them from being consistently proactive in bettering themselves. Also, the amount of shaming and being made to feel super insecure for who they are or how they were born does not make it easy to overcome their situation. There are MANY factors that can prevent someone from working hard enough to lose weight. So again... the amount of people who shame others for being overweight is ASTOUNDING. Most of yall wouldn't be able to do what you claim those with unhealthy body weight should be able to do.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

American problems

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Up to a certain point it really is a choice. To say that it in no way is one may as well be saying that weight cannot be changed because you don't have the choice to lose weight. It just happens to you one day and if that never crosses your mind then you are stuck being overweight. I know a lot of factors go into being overweight but at the end of the day, it's a detriment to one's health and if someone is overweight and CAN lose the excess then they probably should. I don't go around telling people to start losing weight or that it'd be better for them if they did but I don't have to say it out loud for it to be a fact. There's an increasing amount of people enabling individuals who eat in excess and don't exercise enough to stay the way they are for the sake of BoPo. Just because it is difficult to lose weight does not mean that you shouldn't try. Again other people's weight is none of my business but I don't have to harass people about their size for it to be the truth that they'd be healthier in the long run if they lost weight. People can make as many excuses as they want as to why they should remain fat but even if everyone turns a blind eye to it you will still be fat. It's always up to the individual to lose weight, they can have all the help money could buy and still will need to make choices every day to keep going.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Wdym "inspired by"? Is this your opinion because of him or what? I'm also curious what led to him being rejected (ie. blind date, certain behavior, etc.)?

by Anonymous 1 year ago