+151 Mixed martial arts are overhyped. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Well no. They have the potential better in every situation simply cuz it can contain the best martial Arts for every situation…. Cuz it's mixed. Son technically, yes, it is the best… but tbh, the best might just be one style that's the best. I'm thinking of jujitsu since it is, after all one of the original mixed martial arts

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Most traditional martial arts have tactical weaknesses. Mixing various martial arts with various strengths and weaknesses makes for a more complete fighter. This is relevant for professional MMA fighters. If you practice martial arts outside of a professional (fighter, soldier, law enforcement, etc…) environment, a traditional art may well serve your purposes better. I practice BJJ because I got tired of keeping in shape by going to the gym. It's a good workout and practical as well.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Most martial arts you may learn are good for fitness and learning to control your body and may help you fight someone with little to no experience. A lot of martial arts dont focus as much on grappling which is what a lot of standard unregulated fights boil down to. The vast majority of fights you'll see don't end with one guy spin kicking or landing a haymaker but with one person wrestling the other to the ground. MMA emphasizes a mix so you can find what works for you. As a disclaimer you should always avoid fights if possible. You can be a champion and still be killed by anyone who manages a lucky stab, gunshot, or blow to the head.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Yeah it's definitely fighting for people who never get into any fights ever..almost theoretical

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Is a jumping spinning back kick cool to see? Yes. Is it actually useful vs anyone other than a total novice. That's the problem with many traditional martial arts. They are style over function.

by Anonymous 1 year ago