+180 The day is shorter if you travel east. The day lasts longer if you travel west. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

And if you travel west fast enough, the day never ends. And if you travel west even faster than that, you go back in time.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

If you go fast enough you end up where you started at roughly the same time. Imagine starting 5 feet south of the north pole. Walk in a big circle around the pole. Sure you can go though time zones that are "in the past" but you'd eventually end up where you started roughly a minute later or so.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

After thinking abt it for a while after agreeing with you OP is right it doesnt have to be like time travel but you could go back in time if you were going unimaginably fast. First they said if you go fast enough its always day which means you just have to be as fast as the earths rotation so that you dont ever see sunset But the second one would be if u could travel time zones in short times. So basically if u go from GMT to GMT-3 in lets say an hour then you've just gone back in time 2 hours earlier. The more you think abt it the more that it seems our understanding of the idea of time 90% is based on the sun.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

If you're nearby the equator, you'd have to travel at a constant speed of 1,600 km/hour west for it to stay day forever

by Anonymous 1 year ago