+166 History will always glorify the hunter, till the lion learns how to write.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

yeah but then the other lions call the writer lions nerds and bully them.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Well, I suppose it's tough being a lion writer in a world full of bullies. But if the other lions are going to call them nerds, I say let them roar. After all, who needs popularity when you have the power of the pen (or paw, as the case may be)? And let's be honest, those "bully lions" probably just feel threatened by the writer lions' superior intellect and wit. They're just jealous that they didn't think to document their own accomplishments and perspectives. But hey, if the writer lions ever need a bit of backup, they can always call on their trusty "ink-terns" for support. Together, they can take on the bullies and ensure that the true story gets told. Because in the end, it's not about who's the most popular lion in the savannah - it's about who has the courage to speak their truth, even in the face of opposition. So let the other lions call them nerds, because in the end, the writer lions will have the last laugh.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

The lion's dead. That's why the hunter gets to write history.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Lion needs to figure out how to make sharp rocks and pens first...

by Anonymous 1 year ago