+150 The Last of Us show would be better if they didn't cut out as many of the Infected battles. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

They have clickers kill people nearly every episode. And also the point of the last of us inst "zombies are scary aghhh" Its: Humans are the real monsters.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

You *need* more interactive action like that for a video game. It gets to be gratuitous in a show imo. Maybe if The Walking Dead had never existed they would've made it a constant thing in TLOU but tbh, I started feeling very early on that not making it another run of the mill zombies are everywhere always show was the smarter and more interesting way to do it. We don't need obligatory zombie rushes xTimes/episode. That just is bad writing. It has a much more effective presence peppered in strategically as it was.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I actually think you could cut the zombies out completely and it would still work they are mostly in there for visual variety.I actually think the biggest crime of the adaptation(which I enjoy very much)is they didn't use the supporting chrachters long enough e.g. Marlene is only at the start and end like the gane they should kept cutting to her on her journey across America as she loses her men and the doctor (Abby dad) as they realize and work to accepting what they going to do when Ellie arrives showing their desperation instead of telling us would have made her choice more interesting.Tommy could have got some flashbacks aswell to show his resentment towards Joel.

by Anonymous 1 year ago