Someone who has been breastfed when they were a baby can never be a vegan for their entire life, amirite?
by Anonymous1 year ago
Neither can someone who was fed formula as it's a milk based product. Really no one can be vegan their entire life as milk is completely necessary to grow as a baby.
by Anonymous1 year ago
Non human breast milk is not necessary
Having breastmilk as a child is vegan because an animal is not being exploited
by Anonymous1 year ago
Being vegan means no animal products so no. Vegetarian maybe. But not vegan. And I don't know about you but I'm an animal and didn't always feel like I was not being exploited when I was breastfeeding my three kids. Loosely, breastfeeding is exploitative because they were benefiting from my breastfeeding while I was inconvenienced by having to feed on demand while not getting proper sleep or time to myself and my body was no longer my own. Fits the definition of exploitation.
by Anonymous1 year ago
Or anyone who has given oral sex, or bitten their own nails, or chewed the inside of their cheeks.
by Anonymous 1 year ago
by Anonymous 1 year ago
by Anonymous 1 year ago
by Anonymous 1 year ago