+164 Some parents must use sore backs or knees just as an excuse to reduce how long they have to play with their kids on the floor. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I haven't met a parent who needed to "fake" having sore backs and knees while playing

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I'm just chronically out of shape since I only see them on the weekends. I tried taking to them to one of those trampoline parks last time I had them and I couldn't keep up for more than a minute. It's not easy.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

You just broke my heart a little there dude. I bet its not easy in a lot of ways but nothing worth doing ever is. Keep at it, you got this!

by Anonymous 1 year ago

People use excuses to justify their actions for all sorts of things. Parents are no different.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Some parents must, and those parents should have their fake pains made real if you ask me

by Anonymous 1 year ago