+119 CDs are still the best form of music media. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

> if you have no signal it's useless Pay for it and you can still listen to your songs without signal, you can't compare free Spotify to paid CDs

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I do pay for Spotify but not everyone wants to pay for streaming which I completely understand. With a CD you can also download the music to your phone and any other devices you want.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Or you can just do that with mp3s you buy. I have around 60 gigs of music and can't imagine how many discs that'd require. Then again, that's nothing. I believe a dankpods video I watched showed him with a couple terabytes.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

You don't need to buy every album in existence. Just your favorites. With a CD I can put them into an mp3 player just as well and appreciate the sentimental value of owning a physical copy of my favorite album

by Anonymous 1 year ago

You're pretty sentimental about music, aren't ya? I like to download any music I want, not just my favorites. So when they get pulled from stores for copyright disputes and whatnot, or when my internet runs out I have a copy.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Exactly. I only buy my favorite songs. I don't want to buy an album for 1 song I care about and 10 I don't, since it'd just be a waste of space and money for me. I feel like the argument you made was actually against CDs. Also keep in mind that if you have a couple CD-RWs, you can always take the *gasp* files you own and just burn the ones you want to a disc, rewriting it later when your tastes change. If your whole spiel is that "physical media is better," why wouldn't your argument be for flac files on a hard drive? As long as you keep a couple backups, you should be nearly bulletproof. A 14tb hard drive should store 14,000 cd's worth of data (rounding the typical 800mb disc to 1gb for simplicity) in a (approximately) 1x4x7" piece of aluminum. They're efficient, reliable (with backups), and they'll save you a lot of space compared to a disc library.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I just realized that the 14tb argument may have been a bit unrealistic when comparing it to even dankpods' library size. A 2tb drive can be had for $50, making even three or four of them a fairly cheap investment. >2000 discs' worth of storage is still plenty for most people and still more compact than most medias I can think of, with the exception of LTO tapes.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

OK, but CDeez nuts is actually quite funny. I generally use Brave Playlist for music myself, but to each their own.

by Anonymous 1 year ago


by Anonymous 1 year ago

Best of all, CDs have NO ADS!!!

by Anonymous 1 year ago

An artist I loved took their stuff off apple music I was heart broken so I just went and bought a bunch of her cds. My commute has been fixed since.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I bought all my favorite early Kanye albums because I know he's prone to saying something stupid and one day he might get his music pulled

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Thinking ahead thats smart

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Everything you said, plus if you like more obsure music, as I do, CDs are your best bet for finding it.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Yeah I've always hated the idea of buying something and then not being able to hold it in my hands.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I guess ~~vinyls~~ *CDs* are cool but it feels like they're bought mostly for show because they aren't practical and take up so much space and you need a specific device to use it

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I see you missed my points about the practicality of CDs. You can only play vinyl on a record player. You can play CDs on anything with a CD-ROM. Computers, radios, game consoles, DVD or Blu-ray. You can also download a CD onto a computer and move it to an mp3 player or your phone. PLUS you get a physical copy.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Download for digital copy?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

You can do that with a CD yes

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Yeah, but you can do that without any hardware

by Anonymous 1 year ago

With a lot of digital downloads you don't even own the music and it's restricted to the app or device you have it downloaded on you never really own the album. With a CD you get your own physical copy that you can do whatever you want with when you decide to download it digitally

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Don't download it to an app, download it to your device. Once it's on your phone, it's a physical as a CD but without the bulkyness. Even if you insist on having a separate device, USB wins in every way

by Anonymous 1 year ago

CDs aren't all that bulky and that isn't always an option with digital media. Restrictions can always be made, changed, placed on something you can't physically own. Damage and theft is also a factor. People get things stolen and damage their electronics all the time. People don't really steal CDs anymore And I think you're undervaluing the sentimental value of owning a physical copy of your favorite albums, having the artwork to look at and stupid little booklet to read.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I can download a whole album digitally (not using a streaming service, as in from a store) for much cheaper and its instantly available to my phone or PC. Usually comes with artwork as well. Can put it on an external hard drive if I run out of space. But if you're a sentimental guy, then more power to you.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Physical artwork you can touch and display is much more satisfying than a digital one on a screen.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

You keep saying that. Obviously its better. But it doesn't matter to someone who doesn't care about sentimental value and just wants to listen to music.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

>Obviously its better I know

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I don't care about having physical artwork

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Sail the high seas bro

by Anonymous 1 year ago

No the problem with cds is after a while no matter how much you take care of them they get scratched and it's ruined. Plus it's more cumbersome if you listen to a lot of different music. I'm not a fan of spotify but I prefer listening to music on YouTube it's free and easy to use

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Or you can buy the digital download. Can still play everywhere without streaming.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Okay what about just having the digital files without an unnecessary carrier medium, unless there is no other way to get a hq digital file of a song than to rip it off a CD its an unnecessary step.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

download and convert to flac

by Anonymous 1 year ago

You can't do that with vinyl and you don't get a physical copy or artwork with digital download.

by Anonymous 1 year ago