+121 people who don't understand deep cleaning have never worked a service job, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I worked at an assisted living facility and several if the kitchen staff just refused to clean stuff. I watched a server drop a serving spoon on the floor and try to put it back in a pan of food. Some people just don't care.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

i work 5 days a week in a extremely clean restaurant my house isn't dirty but it definitely doesn't look like my job lol

by Anonymous 11 months ago

…is this supposed to be an unpopular opinion? What do you think an unpopular opinion is? Do you often come across people saying service industry workers are bad cleaners, or something?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

idk man, some people disagree with the take and think they have no correlation, so i guess it could be unpopular. chill

by Anonymous 11 months ago

This implies that the biggest problem people who don't keep clean in that they don't know how, which I don't think is largely the case. Lots of the time I think it's from mental health issues and other times it's genuine uncaring.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

i don't like deep cleaning. it takes too long

by Anonymous 11 months ago

When I worked as a dish pig, after we closed and cleaned, the manager would go around with a literal white glove and inspect every nook and cranny. Those were the days.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

In the kitchen or on your body?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Neither. It was a separate dish room.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

On my body

by Anonymous 11 months ago

>BUT in my experience Gotta love the anecdotal fallacy

by Anonymous 11 months ago


by Anonymous 11 months ago

As someone who used to work a job that required cleaning, the last thing i wanted to do when i got home was clean.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

This is true. So called "un-skilled" labor is a lot more than what priveledged people think it is.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Unironically my years at McDonald's taught me more about cleaning than the years of doing chores at home. Once you've cleaned a grease trap once everything else becomes easy lol.

by Anonymous 11 months ago


by Anonymous 11 months ago