+127 Ants are a progressing semi sentient society, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Any simulation is heavily studied by academics in computer science. They have found that simple rules can allow them to solve difficult problems. While I wouldn't go as far as you have, I would say that ants illustrate that higher intelligence is not always needed to adapt to complicated environments.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I can agree they aren't exactly smart. They follow certain instincts and rules for the rest of their life to cater to their colony.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

They don't really think. Individually, they're mindless and kind of useless. The magic happens when they are in a group and they become a superorganism. Their "job" isn't something they do after thinking about it, it's like an automatic response controlled by chemicals and their genes.

by Anonymous 1 year ago