+140 the matrix is not even that good of a movie, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I can't read this. It's like trying to pick kernels of corn out of a toilet filled with diarrhea.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I think i saw a fear factor episode like that

by Anonymous 1 year ago

sorry about that I'm not good at writing

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Try grammarly bud.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

i don't have premium and i use it but I always written that way what do I do about it

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Take a English course and learn about punctuation.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

ok the way i write was the way i always wrote

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Perhaps you are not yet in a place intellectually or emotionally where you can appreciate this movie. Judging from your writing, anyway. Come back and try it again in a few years.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

well the thing is I'm not that good at English it is my second language after all first Bengali but allot of the actors would be good for a different movie I like the philosophical idea but the whole everyone except us is stupid vibe does not really feel good and the actors where not meant for that movie plus a some of it was weird in my opinion I think other franchise took the other reality idea better and also again the philosophical video was better explored in the ted-ed videos of pleasure machine and I am talking about matrix as a movie and the vibe and stuff mostly and the way I write is why the way I have written forever but I can respect your opinion

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Bengali has punctuation. English isn't my native language either, in fact it's my third language. Using punctuation is not hard. "Everyone except us is stupid" is not really part of the movie's themes at all, which suggests you've not really understood even its most basic plot points. Perhaps it's a language problem.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

again it felt that way I'm not saying it is that way

by Anonymous 1 year ago

and also what is the matrix about may you explain it to me

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Exploitation of workers by those in power. The whole idea that, "the matrix has you," is that we're blinded by ideology and fail to see we're all prisoners in a system of exploitation. Those who take the red pill, see it, and there's no unseeing it.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

and also to me the movie just presents these concept it does well in my opinion does not explore them

by Anonymous 1 year ago

the matrix is a good movie but it is also very dated. it's veeeeerrrrry 2000s-ish.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Jesus christ take some of these ....................................................... ....................................................... ....................................................... ....................................................... I know you said English isn't your first language but I'm pretty sure whatever yours is still has the concept of sentences. You opinion is probably not even that unpopular. The second and third Matrix movies were kinda mid tier.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

im not good at writing sorry about that

by Anonymous 1 year ago

When this movie came out, the concept was original and captivating for the masses. The special effects were groundbreaking and still look great today. I can't say whether the "bullet time" effect was invented in producing this movie but it became a hallmark of it. The soundtrack was great too. I don't think this is an unpopular opinion; it's just incorrect.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I don't It just did not work for me

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Paragraphs Periods Painful

by Anonymous 1 year ago