+125 Pupils should always be allowed to choose which people they work with when doing group work, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I hope you aren't near graduating yet. In most jobs, you're gonna have to work together with complete strangers. That's the idea. You have to learn how to build rapport and rely on people you don't know. If your team mates are a bunch of morons then feel free to report them. Don't need to drag yourself down with them.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

in the real world you don't get to pick your coworkers, or the coworkers you work on a project with.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

In the real world, you aren't as likely to work with a lazy person who won't do anything. In the real world, you aren't as likely to work with a person who wants to put porn in your presentations. I also don't get why this is some kind of argument. HS isn't the same as the real world. At all. Not sure why someone would like this specific aspect to be the same.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Are they not in the real world yet or do you consider them less of a human because they are under the arbitrary age of which you can move out of your parents house do you believe they are still dependent upon their parents because that's not how the world works

by Anonymous 1 year ago

"real world" is a colloquialism for the working/professional world, after adolescence (school), when you reach maturity/adulthood. "school" typically implies an adolescent/juvenile who is still learning. i.e. if you are complaining about getting who you are stuck working with a project on while you are in high school, you are not in the "real world" yet. OP is talking about "teachers" implying that they are at an age where they are in a school/learning environment where a teacher assigns projects to them. that's a sign of what stage of life they are in.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

You know I despise the word juvenile don't get me wrong when describing animals it's ok but the human brain is so complex that you can never truly comprehend how mature some people are for their age as a teenager many will get jobs does this not qualify them to be a part of this "working world" you speak of

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I'm starting to wonder how old you are.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I'm starting to wonder if your trying to counter my argument by suggesting I'm a child

by Anonymous 1 year ago

>Form an ultimatum some wounds be too deep to heal should 13 yr old me No thanks. I already know. So the reason you keep disagreeing is because you were bullied. Then report the bully and tell the teacher you don't want to work with him. But you still have to learn how to get out of your comfort zone and work with strangers. Because again, like I've been saying sooo many times already...they're teaching you to work with strangers because when you have a real job you will be forced to work with strangers.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Yeah, like who says "//pupils//" anymore?!

by Anonymous 1 year ago

>My friends are the only people I can work well with, because they are the only people that aren't completely brainless. This is why group work with other kids is important. So you can realize that you are 1. Not judging other people fairly 2. Not as smart as you think you are.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Life doesn't always let you pick and choose. The sooner children learn this, and that they need to figure out how to work with people they may not want to, the better. It's about building social skills and leaning about, and from, different people and points of view more than anything. I may be wrong, and I'll accept that if so. Also, +1

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Maybe you've never tried to pick and choose because everyone else has always told you "in the real world you can't choose" maybe it's just a matter of whether you believe that or not that decides whether you can pick and chose

by Anonymous 1 year ago

There's no need to believe if its true. Are you and your friends going to choose the same course, apply for the same job and work together for the rest of your lives and never have to work with other people? I don't think so.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I'm just saying forced interaction between strangers doesn't mean they get along

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Okay. So what? That's not my point. The point you should learn to work together with strangers. Doesn't mean you should get along and be friends, just do the objective. Because when you have a job, most likely YOU WILL BE FORCED TO WORK WITH STRANGERS.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

School isn't there to make you comfortable. It's there to help you branch out of your comfort zone and learn real life skills. Most of your adult life requires expanding your comfort zone. This is one of those skills.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

School teaches you social skills and useless knowledge. That being said, you can't compare school to the real world. And no, school isn't there to make you comfortable. It's also obviously not there to teach you real life skills.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Learning how to work as a team with people you haven't hand-picked is a social skill.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

In real life, you don't have partners who don't do any work as often.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

As an adult in the work force who has worked with other "adults", my experiences do not reflect this claim.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

That's totally possible. None of the people I know ever talk about this type of experience when I ask them. It may be the profession or country we're in.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

>Putting someone like me into a group with other people with which I am expected to do academic work, doesn't help my teamwork skills whatsoever. I'd bet that you are part of the problem then. You need to be able to work with other people that are not your friends. If you can't adjust and adapt to other people, you are going to have a rough time. Clubs and team sports arent mandatory. Group assignments in class most likely are mandatory. You NEED to learn how to work with other people. And I'm not referring to the general "you," I am actually referring to YOU in particular.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

And what defines your ability to work with other people is it your ability to do all or none of the work because the people you work with are just terrible people not everyone is capable of getting along they're just capable of functioning enough to pump out a product and if that's what you want then your the problem

by Anonymous 1 year ago

No. What defines your ability to work with other people is your ability to communicate.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

If you can't then what do you do

by Anonymous 1 year ago

God, no. I hate having to make groups. I have anxiety and barely know anyone in some of my classes, and I feel like crying because I know I'll have to ask the teacher to find me a group. It's embarrassing as hell.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

The thing most people need to understand is not everyone gets along and that's perfectly fine I sat next to a guy who we never talked because we didn't share the same interests that's fine but when it came to work neither of us felt like communicating or contributing that's why I tried to move seats to someone I actually get along with it's not usually as clear cut as this but please start separating the people who just don't like each other

by Anonymous 1 year ago

> The thing most people need to understand is not everyone gets along The thing you do not seem to understand is that in the workplace you are often forced to work with people you do not like. It is important to know how to do that.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

If they're being an asshole complain you've never tried that have you just complain

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Real world isn't high school. You can't report someone just because they're being mean. Your boss will most likely ignore it, because they're only interested in how much work you've done. So you better prepared to work with people you don't like.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

1) My goal is that students learn, not that they feel free to fail. 2) It does help build teamwork skills.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

No. That's a stupid idea. It's also not even close to how things work in the real world.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

In life, you have to learn to work with all types of people with all types of strengths and weaknesses. If you feel as though you can only successfully work with your friends, that is something you need to challenge. As a teacher, there are SO MANY factors that some into play when assigning groups other than the two you've described.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

The whole "builds teamwork skills" is overplayed and people forget that school isn't about team but the individual students development to learn the basics so they can actually function as a useful part of a team (society). The team approach, if used a lot, glosses over and hides student weaknesses. Those weaknesses need to be noted and corrected, instead of having a more polished & capable student covering for them.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

That more polished and capable student is usually me, tbh. In group work I feel like I'm just doing the teacher's job.

by Anonymous 1 year ago