+108 Enemies to lovers is the worst romance trope, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It is a super easy thing to write, honestly. You have built in conflict, which is generally what drives a story, and you have a beginning and an end. Everything is pre-built and manufactured for the most engaging romantic progression. Some might even say that it is super easy, barely an inconvenience.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I don't why I've been seeing Ryan George references everywhere all of a sudden, but I'm not complaining.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Ah, seeing Ryan George references everywhere is tight.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Wow wow wow.

by Anonymous 1 year ago


by Anonymous 1 year ago

It's that last wow that always gets me to lol.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Hey shut up..

by Anonymous 1 year ago


by Anonymous 1 year ago

Hi there, hello!

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Listen, I'm going to need you to get all the way off my back about these Ryan George references.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Oh let me get right off that thing!

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Engaging romantic progression is tight!

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It's easy to write, but hard to write well

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Exactly. It's hard to nail that progression from enemies to lovers while making it feel natural and not forced

by Anonymous 1 year ago

oh really?

by Anonymous 1 year ago


by Anonymous 1 year ago

I'm gonna need you to get wayyy off my back about this easy storytelling here

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Oh really!

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It's like step family porn. Not popular because everyone has that kink, it's just a really easy set-up

by Anonymous 1 year ago

counterpoint, it's great for fanfiction. there's no better couple than goku and vegeta.

by Anonymous 1 year ago


by Anonymous 1 year ago

Wanting a romantic relationship with someone they experienced a lot of abuse from and have possibly been traumatized by is somehow very desirable people decided

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Wow. Wow Wow Wow.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

And then when things go wrong, you can do a backflip, snap their neck, and save the day!

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Going from lovers to enemies happens more often in real life.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

This is my favorite response so far lmao

by Anonymous 1 year ago

❤️Thank you, it was a highdea.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Hahaha highdea, I'm stealing that term from now on.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

A story like that would be amazing. Anyone know some films?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Now that I will watch. Even better when it ends in murder most foul.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

"in recent years" \*smiles in Jane Austen\*

by Anonymous 1 year ago

THIS. Jane Austen is the absolute queen of enemies to lovers and honestly, noone did it better.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Sheesh, that's old. I was just gonna bring up Cheers.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

There's also Moonlighting! But I prefer Austen.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

*laughs in Shakespeare*

by Anonymous 1 year ago

My main issue with the enemies-to-friends trope is that it's so *broad* on its own that it it's almost meaningless to me beyond describing the scenario. It covers characters who initially find each other annoying (which I tend to like), and situations where the enemies part is way too literal and not nuanced enough (and I just find the couple toxic whenever I see them).

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Slap face to kiss face is the worst trope in romance movies.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Tbh Brooklyn 99 and Parks and Recreation did it well.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Unless you're talking Jake and Doug Judy, there is no enemies to lovers arch. Jake and Amy aren't enemies, they just have a friendly rivalry because of the bet (which Jake won and meant they went on a date, which is the date Jake became obsessed with Amy forever). I'll give you Parks and Rec, because I think Leslie and Ben initially did bump heads.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

> Jake and Doug Judy The only romance worth talking about

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Absolutely agree. Same with Once Upon a Time, and not just for enemies to lovers, but for enemies to friends. I love how well they develop the characters throughout the show. Enemies to non-enemies is a pretty common theme throughout and it just shows how people can change or how someone's views can change.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

When did Brooklyn Nine Nine have a storyline about that?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Jake and doug

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Haha, yes that was well executed

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Jake and Amy had a friendly rivalry initially

by Anonymous 1 year ago

yes, not enemies, they were friendly towards eachother

by Anonymous 1 year ago

i think it depends on the type of enemy. if they are just like rivals or something Im fine with it. if they were trying to kill each other earlier then no.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Rapists to lover is even worse. General Hospital made that popular for awhile.

by Anonymous 1 year ago


by Anonymous 1 year ago

Luke and Laura

by Anonymous 1 year ago

That sounds sickening... good thing I have never seen that tv show...

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I watched a documentary about bride kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan. Theres a lot of rapist to lover stories in that country. A good chunk of the women end up ... killing themselves ... but a chunk of them end up actually loving the guy. Stockholm syndrome is interesting.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Once upon a time kept using women casting spells to disguise themselves to trick men and get themselves pregnant as a plot point and I hated it

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Yeah, Luke was such an awesome character but then there is that bit of history that ruins it.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Comedian and the first Silk Spectre. Watchmen is my all time favorite comic in part because of how messy these people's lives are. It's still super uncomfortable to read/watch.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I just recently watched Wedding Crashers and yikes it's disturbing

by Anonymous 1 year ago

im sorry what?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Imo it depends how it's written. If the characters genuinely hate each other and have no reason to become friendly/lovers other than sexual tension,it's just dumb.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Can you give examples of when it was done well? I seriously cannot think of any.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

it's one of my favourite tropes but i agree it's rarely ever done right. i think a lot of media goes too hard on the lovers part and sprinkles in a pinch of enemies. most of the time they're not even enemies, they're just normal ass people who don't like each other so there's no stakes or fear or risk involved

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Depends on how they are enemies. If its a Romeo and Juliet situation where they are supposed to be on different sides due to outside influences then it works IMO.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Romeo and Juliet were never enemies though, their families were, but they weren't.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Isnt that more of a forbidden love than enemies to lovers

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Okay but it's kinda hot

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It's also pretty rooted in reality to some extent. I mean maybe not to the cartoonish lengths movies and media take it. But there is an element where conflict is closer to passion than people realize.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

This is the only good argument for it.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

There is a foundation in emotional psychology too. Angry sex (I don't know the actual rates), is commonly talked about. Hell, it's one of the reason dysfunctional couples stick together for so long. They get mad, have sex, the anger recedes, then tomorrow happens, and the cycle repeats.

by Anonymous 1 year ago


by Anonymous 1 year ago

It's also patently ridiculous; the last thing I want to do with a woman that I despise is even imagine having sex with her. The idea is so stupid, it makes my skin crawl.🤮

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Ill be honest i completely disagree

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Right that's all I care about and if the plot good then damn what a good story. I'll reread it again.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

XOXO, Gossip Girl

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I love it. Especially in Kdramas; a nice predictable plot for me to half watch while playing on my phone

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Nobody did it better than Buffy and Spike.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Never watched Buffy before, currently on my first watch. I'm on season 2 and I've heard of the Buffy/Spike thing, so far it sounds really unlikely. Can't wait to see how it goes.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Enemies to friends to lovers I can get down with

by Anonymous 1 year ago

50/50 for me personally. That one even **more** depends on how it's written, but I'm much warmer to it than EtoL

by Anonymous 1 year ago

YES. Lovers/friends to enemies is SO much better. The drama, the pain, the realness, omg

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Yes! I love it. The pain, the hatred, the longing for simpler times. The animated Prince of Egypt does this so well with the brothers to enemies trope. I'd love to experience some media that can create a moral dilemma that turn lovers to enemies. I'm sure it's out there and I'm totally open to recommendations.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I still like the trope when done well. It's satisfying to see someone struggling with conflicting emotions and slowly but surely realize they were mistaken about someone and come to love them all the more because they realize what they could have missed out on... But yeah, it's done too frequently and poorly and had been that way for a while.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Agreed, "lovers to enemies" is much more realistic.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Enemies to lovers is the brain surgery of romance tropes. Even the TINIEST wrong move can kill the entire thing and it takes an expert to do it properly. So I completely understand why some people don't like it. I personally like it when it's done well, but still.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

How about lovers to enemies

by Anonymous 1 year ago

That's just real life

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Lovers-to-enemy is a much more common trope, especially in irl

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Me and my wife hated each other when we first met. We've been together for almost 13 years (married for 5) It happens

by Anonymous 1 year ago

ITS MY FAVVVV wdymm😭 love seeing the emotional growth

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It can be done good but it is mostly terrible

by Anonymous 1 year ago

As a trope yeah, but have you ever met someone like that? Not necessarily romantically but alot of ny best friends started as rivals or enemies .

by Anonymous 1 year ago

How do you have rivals or enemies in the first place? Do you see every stranger as a rival?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Promotions, attentions fron professors, attention from girls, you're always in competition with everyone around you. Some hate you for it, some enjoy that environment.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Yeah me too. I met this guy years back and we just did not click. We worked together in a bar and we would go out frequently with the rest of the bartenders and just like bicker and throw shade at each other. Eventually, he turned into one of my best mates and I realised that first impressions, while sometimes count, don't always. It's not out of the question that it could happen romantically.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Yeah. One of my best friends used to annoy me to no end. It was the same for him. Then one day, we communicated out loud our dislike to each other and since then we became much more cordial, leading to friendship.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Yeah, I'm not a fan either. The stories end up being really long too since the couple has to go from enemies to indifference to friends to lovers. The only enemies to lovers I can tolerate as my guilty pleasure is Hermione and Draco.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I don't agree with this.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Recent Years? Have you ever heard of Taming of the Shrew? Late 16th century? By this guy called Shakespeare? Some people still read him to this day, shocking, right? And Greek stuff, too. But I know that hasn't had the same name recognition as Billy there.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Real life: 99% lovers to enemies, 1% enemies to lovers Fiction: 50% lovers to enemies, 50% enemies to lovers

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I also hate it! I can't imagine wanting to be with someone who I fully despised. Maybe if I found them a bit annoying then yeah but not actual hatred. Also in some enemies to lovers they say the most god awful things to each other and I couldn't imagine being with someone that spoke so badly to me

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Oh there's definitely WAY worse tropes but I see what you mean, enemies to lovers is a make or break thing, some just seem like abuse, some are well done like villians and heros etc

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I only like it when it's well done, which rarely happens as you said. Some aren't even truly enemies, just 2 people who like to bicker at each other and that's lame. I want true enemies to lovers.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I personally like it a lot. I've seen people usually mix bully x victim with enemies to lovers tho, which I don't think they should be the same troupe. I guess I like the idea of 2 people who see eachorher as competition and have somehow a challenging relationship but end up slowly recognizing good attributes that the other person has and that they aren't "as bad as they tought". Maybe a healthier approach to that troupe.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I like it, but only when it's well done.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Without pointing to any specific examples cuz I'm on break and in a rush… This trope hits a lot of relateable emotional points. It humanizes an adversary, reminding us that the person working against us remains a person. And it illustrates pain points where we have to navigate difficult circumstances to be honest with not just our feelings towards another but also honest about who we are and what our goals are. These are tough concepts, and illustrating them through romance arcs makes them palatable while still exposing the viewer to the problems.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

There is a great (but pretty "woke" if that's not your cup of tea) video called "Abuse as Romance" by the pop culture detective on YouTube that sums it up pretty well

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Okay but hear me out Pride and Prejudice

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Having done the antagonistic —> romantic route before, I can tell you there is a very strange and addictive spark in the beginning. Ultimately, that's what the writers are capitalizing on.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

3 words, one abbreviation: TOH

by Anonymous 1 year ago

The reason it is used so often is because extreme feelings in one direction can more easily flip to the other than neutral feelings. The opposite of love is not hate but indifference

by Anonymous 1 year ago

The trick to doing this well is learning that neither character is truly malicious. Your protagonist sees things from their counterpart's perspective, and realizes they acted reasonably, and maybe even correctly. The same realization must come for the love interest as well. Personally, enemies to friends is more my cup of tea, and it is much more likely to happen irl.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

>this trope has become insanely popular in recent years. as someone who is in their 6th decade, all I can say is LOL

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Yeah, and I ALWAYS notice that it's the girl that doesn't like the guy at first, and never the other way around. Like it's never the girl likes the guy but he doesn't like her and then grows to love her, it's always the girl that has to change her feelings.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

how about a lovers to haters story? Wait that's just all bad break ups.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

yet I still watch hallmark christmas movies that all start and end the exact same...

by Anonymous 1 year ago

My problem with it is that in order to have been enemies in the first place, there must have been a significant reason that has to be resolved before a relationship begins, but it has to believable enough to feel realistic. This is a difficult balance to get right and most often time it isn't done well. The conflict has to be reasonable (cultural, personality clashes etc...) but it can't overpower any possible chemistry.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I think it's sometimes that people aren't enemies. Look at soldiers. They just do as they are told. You think they hate everyone on the other side. Look what happened Christmas Day during the world war. They played football and had a laugh etc. then went back to killing. I think enemies is too simple a word to use.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Someone has clearly never fantasized about a dramatic duel at sundown before a waterfall where your lifelong homoerotic foe stabs you and gives you a tender kiss as you bleed out in their arms.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I feel that it was done quite well in pride and prejudice.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Well, it happens the other way round often enough. Passion is passion.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

in theory i feel like it can be done well, but it just hasn't really happened in recent. like i think enemies to lovers can be interesting so long as the enemy doesn't go too far and the romance actually contributes to the plot

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Ugh I hate this romance trope!

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Sometimes enemies aren't enemies because they are different. Sometimes it's because they are too similar. I can see it. Probably won't participate in it, but I can see it.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I really like this trope since a really long time lol. But I gotta say, villain x hero is better in my heart

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Yeah pretty awful trope, but one of the worst has to be guy does one nice thing and the girl falls in love in with him. Too many people believe in that.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It's not much fun in real life, either. Two years of an abusive relationship is what I got when I did it.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It depends on whether it's well written. If they're actually enemies, and somehow manage to bond over a common enemy? Yeah, it can be a damn hot book. If you can barely call them enemies from the start? I totally agree. Don't call it an enemy-to-lover book, and also, there's no point adding in the conflict.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

When done averagily, yes. When done well, it's one of the best.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I can't stand this trope because it's never executed well. Either the two people involved have really meaningless conflict 10 years ago or it's something really serious like one of them killing the other's sibling. I can't take the first one seriously as enemies to lovers and the other one is too extreme to possibly enjoy.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Agreed! I'm so sick of it!

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Step-mom is stuck in the dryer is the worst romance trope!

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Don't watch much shows so don't know how popular the trope is. Must be like me and time travel story lines. Majority are crap unless done well

by Anonymous 1 year ago

\>Since Bidgerton its gotten popular My dude its been popular since AT LEAST when Pride and Prejudice was published. Its a very common arc.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I think it's because people are turned on by the idea. Sorry if it's creepy to say, but that's gotta be part of it.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

friends to lovers>> it works better

by Anonymous 1 year ago

But it's boring to watch. Enemies to lovers is popular because of the drama. No one wants to watch a regular realistic love story tbh

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I'd take it a step further and say all romance tropes are crap. Love is never like it is in the movies.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I hated Rise of Skywalker, but I especially hated when Rey kissed Kylo. Made no sense, he tortured her and she's like, "I can fix him."

by Anonymous 1 year ago