+125 Phones with physical keypads were much better than smartphones, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

666-55 22-666-666-6-33-777

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Anyone do the trick where u did a space then backspace if 2 letters were used by the same key? I know I did

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Yes. Waiting 1 or 2 sec was just exhausting.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

All the time. I really do like the keypad. Once you had it memorized, you could text without looking at your phone.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Lmfao thanks bro gotta think about this one

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It's "Ok Boomer". And I think it's a perfect mix of funny and insult.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Damn dude not bad haha I used to text like that but it's been years.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

How about ... smartphones with physical keypads. That's where it's at. Unfortunately they are a rare breed.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Most of your points have nothing to do with having an old school type phone or a smartphone, like the removable batteries, the battery life, the games, the use you give them or the type of LTE connection. Rugged smartphones wouldn't be impossible, and putting little keyboards on them is not that hard either. The hard part is for people to buy them.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Unpopular opinion. I much prefer smartphones with decent touchscreens.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Blackberry Bold 9700 had google maps & the web. The debate should be about keys/no keys on a *smartphone*. Not Cell Phone VS Smart Phone. And the answer is yes. Keyboards have a purpose. 5 camera lenses, folding touch-screens - why wont they just build what consumers' have been asking for since 2007, instead of these expensive gimmicks?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Go buy one then, I did. As a backup phone I bought a Nokia 'dumb' phone that's actually quite smart. But far out using that keypad was difficult.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I miss a clicky QWERTY keyboard. Sigh.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

None of these advantages are a characteristic of physical keyboard phones. Phones irrespective of physical keyboard presence or not, do and do not have these characteristics.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

>Phones irrespective of physical keyboard presence or not, do and do not have these characteristics It's the first time in my life I have seen someone contradict themselves in a single sentence..

by Anonymous 1 year ago

and that phones dont need a google using your informtion an sell it for ads

by Anonymous 1 year ago

None of those actually had anything to do with keypads lol

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Did you not read the initial point?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

All of your points can be had with smartphones, we just choose not to

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Buy one with keypads then ?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

The market did not support your preferences.

by Anonymous 1 year ago