+178 A lot of holidays are built around guilt tripping people into buying stuff. amirite?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I think I remember reading somewhere that mother's day, father's day, and valentines day were created by Macy's or hallmark to sell greeting cards. It's all about the Benjamin's!

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I'm just greatful that some companies now email you about father's day and mother's day asking if you don't want anymore reminders about these days because they know it can be a touchy or tough time for some.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I look at this 180 degrees the opposite. It's not guilt for not doing things, it's doing the best things you can because you love them. If you need guilt to motivate you, that is better than nothing, but much better to be motivated by love. I see the ads as saying, "you love your family and want to do your best for them, wouldn't they like this?"

by Anonymous 10 months ago

And doing the best thing is obviously to consume, consume and consume.

by Anonymous 10 months ago